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Wonders Of Whiting


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Took the wife and two kids out to the Small Ships Channel yesterday so see if we could locate some whiting. Leisurely 10:30am at the ramp and plenty of spots left (thankfully as the weather was brilliant). Got distracted on the way out by some birds working which on closer inspection had tuna busting under them (not sure if macks or longies - out of practice ....). Rued the fact that for once I hadn't put in a rod with a slug on it but luckily had one larger combo so quickly rigged up some ganged hooks and threw a pillie out. That school moved away for us but I hadn't got around to rigging up the whiting rods and there were a few packs of birds and tuna in the general area so I figured I may as well prepare the rods there with a line in the water rather than when we pull up for whiting. Ended up hooking a small (bit over a metre) shark that I got to the boat but unfortunately (for me as I wanted a feed of flake, but my wife wasn't too disappointed) it made a sudden dive to the bottom as I reached for it's tail and popped the swivel (note to self - loosen the drag near the boat and also double check I haven't used a swivel more suited to whiting fishing ......).

Moved off to the Small Ships Channel and started scratching my head about where to fish (still a novice about this) before settling on an area slightly deeper (approx. 5m). Drifted to the south through the middle of the channel and the wife picked on nice winter whiting up (25cm), followed by another one for my son Liam a couple of minutes later (at which point we realised how far we had drifted), then my wife caught another one straight after so we decided to anchor up. Good decision - 21 whiting in total (half a good size and half smaller but they were swallowing the hooks so we kept them all). Also had two small grinners and at least 15 of these tiny little emperor with a dot on them (not moses) so a busy and fun time was had by all. My 3 and a half year old George also had an undersized sand crab get tangled by his line while it was eating his little emperor so that was added fun, as was the dolphins, turtles and two or three dugongs that we saw.

We were using s small pack of bay prawns I'd bought at the fish shop at Colmslie last weekend - peeling them and cutting them into half kept me busy, as did dealing with all the fish .... Good problem to have, but next time I'll buy peeled prawns 🙂 

Saw even more birds (and some tuna) working on the way home but we'd stayed out longer than expected so did the right thing and kept going. Had a drama with the motor stalling and not re-starting (for a while) when back at the ramp which put a slight dampener on things but regardless an awesome family day out that we'll hopefully replicate (and better) many times over. Had the fish tonight (gave some to the in-laws) and now we're out, so George has declared that we have to go get more (after we get the motor looked at ....) 🙂 .


Liam didn't waste any time putting his new Alvey combo that he won at last week's Wynnum Fishing Classic to good use .....


And I've now got some prime snapper/grass sweetlip baits ready to go. I cut the frames into small pieces and put them in with the heads so I have ready made berley. 1871768773_Whitingheadsandframes.jpg.66b12df4b9c4a796cada9f7931814be0.jpg


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On 23/10/2018 at 7:54 PM, kmcrosby78 said:

Haven't tried it Robbie - do you run the knife down one side but stop before the tail, chop through the backbone then fillet back up the other side towards the head, so the two fillets are connected at the tail end?

Its a bit hard to explain but I'll try... basically you cut down from the top of the fish on either side of the dorsal fin. Then cut the wings off like you do when filleting a normal fish. Then pull the belly flap down as you pull the head up. This separates the meat from the rest of the fish and you can cut the back bone as close to the tail as you can. 

You end up with the 2 fillets joined at the belly. All the gut and other bits normally stay with the back bone. You end up with a lot more meat from each fish. 

You can snip off any anal fin with scissors if you want but they sort of fry up nicely. 

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On 23/10/2018 at 7:54 PM, kmcrosby78 said:

Haven't tried it Robbie - do you run the knife down one side but stop before the tail, chop through the backbone then fillet back up the other side towards the head, so the two fillets are connected at the tail end?

I will do up a video when I get some next time. It's been ages since I have had a good diver whiting run. 

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11 hours ago, Drop Bear said:

I like your idea better!! lets go now!!??


Little problem called work unfortunately Robbie ............ (oh hang on, I'm now on holiday for 5 and a half weeks, wooohhhhoooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂). At this stage organising for a friend to tag along in his boat this coming Thursday - haven't worked out a plan yet but more than likely a whiting hunt. Family day out. Feel free to tag along if you've got nothing on.

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On 14/12/2018 at 9:05 PM, kmcrosby78 said:

Little problem called work unfortunately Robbie ............ (oh hang on, I'm now on holiday for 5 and a half weeks, wooohhhhoooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂). At this stage organising for a friend to tag along in his boat this coming Thursday - haven't worked out a plan yet but more than likely a whiting hunt. Family day out. Feel free to tag along if you've got nothing on.

Thursday looks fantastic wind wise. Get on it!!! Good luck. I am looking forward to the pickies. 🙂

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