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Nudgee Creek - Sunday 24/09/06


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Hi all,

I finally have a bit of time to do up this report.

Got a PM from Angus on Friday saying he was going down to Nudgee for a quick flick and considering I wasn’t doing much on the Sunday, decided to tag along. Been a while since I’ve gone out fishing cos of work so I couldn’t pass up on the chance.

Got picked up at the BP station near my place at about 1pm and there was John aka Petrie in the passenger seat. Loaded up on fuel and off we went. We picked up Troy (and his 2 flashy looking rods!) on the way.

Passed the catchment area and I think it was Angus who was saying that there were huge tilapias in there. Reckon we have to try it one day.

Reached Nudgee Canal around 1.45-ish and not long after we got there, Nick aka Buck rocked up as well. The wind was absolutely blowing its guts out and it didn’t look that promising. My gear that day was a Penn PowergraphIII on a cheap Jarvis Walker spinning rod that I picked up at Kmart not too long ago. Didn’t feel like using a leader so just tied on a 4inch SP onto my 4lb main line. Not sure if its me or what but everything I rig up before the start of a fish, I always seem to f*** up somewhere. Everyone rigged up so quickly and were on the water in like 20 secs. I thought I had mine all done but as soon I as tried a practice cast I found out the bloody line had gone in double into one of the rings. Had to re-rig again.. bloody hell.

Anyway, soon got it fixed and had a couple of casts but the wind was howling away and not to mention the number of dogs that were having their day out in the water. There were like 10 of them running around having a ball of a time. The wind made it super difficult to even register anything on the line so I wandered further up towards the beach and saw 2 guys trying to lure some toadies on a piece of meat. One of them was holding a line with some meat on it and the other was trying to slice it with a knife. Was smiling to myself but at least they were having fun and they ACTUALLY managed to get one on the knife!

Troy was casting a hardbody but didn’t seem like he was having any luck. Neither did Angus, Buck and Petrie. Not long after we left the canal and headed up towards the creek.

Saw Timbo’s mom at the carpark and she told us Timbo had already gone up the creek with a friend of his. We trudged up the dirt track and headed towards the place we went the last time.

Now, the canal bank was getting crowded. I think there were at least 7 of us belting the creek with all sorts of plastic and what have you. Buck was having a ‘good’ time with his plastics and the resident toadie population. Think they damaged a fair few of his plastics. He did manage to hook up on one though.

There was this huge ray swimming about and both Angus and Troy were trying to foul hook it but to no avail. It would have been super fun on light tackle though.

I decided to re-rig and oil myself down with some tea tree oil as I was getting bitten big time by the midgies. Decided to try a mini prawn-star and was back in business not long after. First cast and there was a swirl in the middle of the river. Casted at the same spot and bang….got a hook up! I think it hit the lure on the way down. It tried to run but was a little too small to put up much of a fight. Swung it up onto the bank and there it was…my first fish on a prawn star.

Didn’t really measure it but I think it was around the 15-20cm mark? Correct me if I’m wrong guys. Troy got the hook out for me and released it.

Nothing much happened after but we did see some action from Troy’s rod. Couldn’t really see from where I was standing but I believe he was using a hard body when he got a hook up from an estuary cod. Saw him reeling it in when it bloody spat the hook! Looked pretty decent too though. Fish 1 Troy 0

Something else ridiculous happened. I was casting my lure when it snapped off! There went my prawn star…

Angus switched over to a halco and I believe he and Troy were in a mini-comp, seeing who could try getting their lure nearest to the opposite bank without getting snagged. I knew something was going to happen and it did! HA! Angus’ lure got snagged in a tree on the opposite bank!! He went across the river to get it back and by this time, I had also managed to snag my crawdad lure in a tree too.

Everyone was laughing their heads off as Angus tried to retrieve his lure but he did so in the end. Got mine back for me too.. good man..

The day ended not long after as we had to leave. Snapped a couple of shots with the cam.

All in all, it was a good day out. We’ll have to hit the place again soon though.

Long report but at least it gives you all something to read.




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well i would like to point out that i got both my lure and Mervs back.

Thats 25 bucks worth for a quick swim.

A fair exchange in my book.

However i will point out that the following wednesday while targeting rays the harmons caught a bull shark in that same location.

Oh well.

Im sure i have swum plenty of places with them before without knowing it.


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