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Query regarding using multiple rods


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Hi all, irritating session down at Newstead today - I just wanted to ask a quick question about the use of multiple rods. I went down as usual to start my sp flicking from the top of the walkway and I found a large section of the walkway being fished by a pair of anglers with 6 rods spread out across the railings. My favourite spot (which I admit isn't huge but big enough for a few anglers) was unaccessible.

As I arrived one of the anglers hurried around (I might just be paranoid) about 50 meters further along to my other favourite spot to set up a crab pot (with a huge amount of splashing etc so I was buggered anyway) and an unattended rod. I felt that it was done to prevent me from fishing that spot. I flicked a softie in between the two sections - in a pretty crummy spot - and one of the guys struck up a conversation with me about having fished the area for 10 years yada yada and how the area that I was fishing was really crappy!! I admit I wasn't listening too much and his english wasn't the greatest so I moved on down toward the park and had a bit off success on the breambos.

A while later a group of three guys came past me down at the park each carrying multiple rods (2 to 4 each) and proceeded to set them up unattended and blocking the remaining productive spots on the walkway.

I walked back and between the 5 anglers there was at least 15 rods basically ruling out a good hundred plus meters or so of the boardwalk for anyone wanting to have a flick (I reckon about 4-6m between rods sometimes more sometimes less). I don't want to fish between the rods - I just have a flick with a hb or sp parralel to the rockwall then move on after a couple of casts. Besides with the current etc its not really practical to fish perpendicular with so many rods out there.

So, this is mostly a whinge - but whats the go? I feel like a bit of a nob complaining - I don't think its illegal. But theres fairly limited resources and space to be had. Anyone have any suggestions? Maybe I've answered my own question by writing this post, just live with it an move on. Seems a bit unfair though to be excluded from prime possies by static lines. Ah well.

Sorry for the ramble/rant. Just had a couple of hours for the first time in a fortnight and couldn't fish my fave spots (or anywhere even remotely close...).

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Turf Wars!:woohoo: :woohoo:

I understand your pain. Pretty selfish bunch by the sounds.

It is everyone's right to have a fish though. First in best dressed as they say.

Sometimes it goes the other way too.

I was bait fishing with the family up the coast one time in a river. Was teaching the youngest to cast and the oldest wasn't that good at it at that stage and the wife ...well let's not go there:laugh: ...and so I had my rod in a holder and the rest of the crew spread out for safety and coaching;).

A fella was walking the beach flicking his SP out and back as he walked along and I could see the frustration on his face. Inevitably he snagged up on my line. Neither of us was too happy. But it's everyone's beach so we just have to live with it and learn to share from time to time.

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Yeh, I know - it was just frustrating given my lack of fishing recently. And yeh, the one thing I resolved was to wander a little further afield :-) I'm going to start experimenting with some other areas now that I'm not limited to taking the pram with me (I now go when my boy's asleep - gives me a good 2-3 hours if I'm lucky). So breaky creek it is, then some revisits to some of the threads here to inspire... :-) Maybe today was just what I needed to get out of the Newstead rut.

Can I just say thanks for the replies - somehow I'm feeling really positive about exploring some new areas...jeez no wonder I love this site. Thanks all!

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shortie wrote:

Easy, just cast a 50lb line across em all. and reel em in.

oops sorry. Im a beginner. Do this a couple of times. im sure you will be the only 1 fishing there very soon.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I've been told of a similar story by someone fishing Deep Water Bend. And yeah, Shortie, it seems quite effective. :)


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Sounds like a reflection of society today.... Stuff everyone else as long as I am happy. Sucks big time, I think!!

Could always lend you some of the special blue and white chequered tape and you could rope off your own area a few hours in advance, or better still rope off the area with their gear in it, announce its a crime scene and they cant remove or touch anything to its cleared (in about 9 hours)

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bootyinblue wrote:

Sounds like a reflection of society today.... Stuff everyone else as long as I am happy. Sucks big time, I think!!

Could always lend you some of the special blue and white chequered tape and you could rope off your own area a few hours in advance, or better still rope off the area with their gear in it, announce its a crime scene and they cant remove or touch anything to its cleared (in about 9 hours)

hahahah thats a good one heheheeh. on another not when i fish i have at leat 3 rod but at the most i only use 2 rods at a time, i mean how can you physically use so many rods at once what happens if you get multiple hookups. some ppl just dont have any commen sense or courtesy

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if there is no-one else around i am happy to set up multiple rods. however, if there are many people using the area, one, two max is the go. there is nothing illegal about it, it is just inconsiderate. but you "flickers" have to remember that bait fishos generally are a relaxed bunch who like to sit back and watch the world go by, usually while pissed :laugh: . everyone has a different method of fishing, not everyone's is going to suit yours. if you were to rock up to the same area with 3 rods and bait you could fit in the nicely. i am often annoyed by people who don't use common sense and a bit of curtesy though....:dry:

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Just on the ethics in fishing these days, where the hell have they gone.

I have moved up to maroochydore recently and fishing the local rivers and the other night i was set up about 50m from a boat ramp. A fella was castnetting for bait off the ramp which is fine with me. Then he walks up netting towards me and to the point of walking about 5 metres past me and wading out and throwing the net back towards where im fishing.

He then went down a bit to where an old fella was getting a couple of bream and threw it within a metre or so of where he had his bait out and got a nice bream.

Whats going on with people these days

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yeah I like to fish with multiple rods sometimes no matter where I am and if its a little crowded I try to keep my rods close to each other or I might decide to take one down. I've been muscled out before with other people's lines going all over the place making it impossible for me to fish so I try to make room for other people. Plus it wouldn't hurt to ask if they would move the rods a little, the obvious problem is that fishing with artificials requires constant moving around whereas if you were fishing with bait you could kinda squeeze in and just leave it...

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kevinchen19870316 wrote:

get some bait and catch 20 fish in front of them and tell them: u won't catch more fish using more rods.

Yeh, fair enough! I am desperately trying to work out a way I can get out at different times as I'm still very limited by my son's sleeps etc. I'd love to get down there at night too after reading all of the night newie posts. It wont be too long until I'm down there flicking about with the others on this site!


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Nigehey mate I've been in your shoes! I too had this fav spot where fishos would set up there multitude of rods all evenly space takin up every inch water. What i like to do in this situation is first start by asking them how the fishing is doing then start working ya SP's between there set lines! Aslong as u done touch there gear they can do stuff all about it! Best part is when they have been there for hours fishing and caught stuff all and u bag out in 5 minutes!! Pure bliss to see the look on there faces!! But never let them see what lure u are working.....

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