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Colmslie Stretch 20-6


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After seeing Beefa's posts about Colmslie producing good fish I thought I'd have a crack as Jindalee has been tough this past couple of weeks.

On the high tide I was flicking plastics around the Cairncross docks and pulled some very small cod and barely legal bream. I put a pilly out on the baitcaster while doing this and around 11 am it took off. Peeled half the braid off the spool, rarely slowed down and zigzagged until snap. Bugger. And I noticed the drag won't lock no matter how hard I turn the knob... Oh well cheap reels.

Moved over the river to the mouth of the creek that runs into the golf course and anchored up. More small bream:angry:

Pull up anchor and theres a good crab pot attached, no rope! 2 decent mud crabs and a legal blue swimmer:cheer: all jennies:S Scored a decent pot anyway. Try that sandy beach near the trawlers for livies with the cast net. A few small gar.

Now drifting along the beach, 5 passes, 4 flathead 41cm upto 55cm. All caught using 4" powerbait minnows in pumpkinseed, 1/16oz jighead. Kept 1 for dinner and thought I would try some of the Squidgy plastics I got on special at Big W. Zeor:dry: not even a baby bream for the rest of the arvo.

Saw Beefa and his deckie peddle past, said G'day and headed home, coz that storm looked like it couldda been bad.

And my camera battery went flat so only got a picture of the dinner fish once I got home. [img size=500]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/100_0493.jpg


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bloody good feed there mate!

and yeah, bar tailed flathead, maybe sand flathead, definately not dusky. hard to tell from the pic, the tails are somewhat similar. taste the same!

and FYI - sand and bar tailed flathead have a legal size of 30cm and no max as opposed to 40cm and max 70cm for duskys. something to remember if you're after a feed, although, 35cm+ is a realistic size for a reasonable fillet.

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