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Offshore Kayaking: Snapper PB SMASHED on 4lbs

Terry H

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Got up nice and early, and drove the yak trolley up to caloundra, making a few stops here nt here because some dopey temp gauge plug kept falling off and given the recent fixes I didn't fancy driving without a temp gauge.

We launcehd in the dark and made our way to the blinker in a wet (some of us) windy and bloody cold morning.

It didn't take too long before I'd bagged a couple of snapper, one measuring in at 43cm which had a bigger knob on him than most 50s we'd pulled out of there, and one big cracker on 4lbs.

Al caught nothing here as usual, while Lee and Paul (UNT) managed to bag themselves some tea.

Lee and I then left in search of bigger fish, but only found tiddler squire as we coudlnt' hook any yakkas up.

Al must have bought some squire off a boaty while we weren't looking because he came back with 3, and reported a million yakkas caught (where were they? we were after them so we could drag them around!!)

Anyway heres some pics: 3_08_2008___Terry_Hessey_PB_Snapper_72cm.JPG

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very noice......very noice indeed....be a bugger missing the ramp on the way in wouldn't it - even though conditions look ok - the little waves could skurf you into a bit of a pearler landing - yeah , check Al's hull before you go out next - he probably pre-loads with shop bought snapper the night before..!! getting repetative guys - but great catch again - the cobies should be around there in a month or so - bigguns hopefully - might have to upgrade to 6lb for them !!

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Brought em off a stink boat heh lads :ohmy: , what the these couple of roosters are trying to say everyone is, Al caught more fish than Lee and Terry combined today :woohoo: . The morning was really hard fishing as the SWer didn't let up until around 0900. I take my hat off to Paul who paddled the Tempo bath tub all the way out, around and back well done mate.

I managed to get a real mixed bag today, snaps(Biggest only 54cm), squire, cod, gurnard, grassy and about a 1000 yakkas, little buggas :silly: .

Another great day as usual, great to catch up with Alby angain.


Al [img size=500]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/101_1565.JPG


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rob316 wrote:

very noice......very noice indeed....be a bugger missing the ramp on the way in wouldn't it - even though conditions look ok - the little waves could skurf you into a bit of a pearler landing - yeah , check Al's hull before you go out next - he probably pre-loads with shop bought snapper the night before..!! getting repetative guys - but great catch again - the cobies should be around there in a month or so - bigguns hopefully - might have to upgrade to 6lb for them !!

Who let this rooster in here :P , you Mods have your work cut out for you now lol. welcome Squiz.


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TerryH wrote:

Hey Al we all know our good "Lee" is with photoshop.. :laugh: :laugh:

Good work Terry,Lee,UNT, & Biggles must try to get the Stink boat outthere before you catch them all ;)

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Mack_attack wrote:

Great trip guys and congratulations on the pb terry;)

Just a friendly question and please don't think am i acusing you of illegal actions, how do you guys keep up eating all these snapper without going over the 5 in posession per person limit:)

Hi Mac, generally we only take a few for the table, Terry's family don't eat much fish, and only Lee and his sister eat fish at their house. We eat fish at least 4 times every week either from what we catch or what we buy from the fish market, it is a stable part of our diet.

We also share the spoils of our catch with friends, Alby pulled a donut today but went home with a nice feed. Nothing is wasted, and we never take home more than the legal requirement. I gave half my fish from to day to my neighbour and the rest has already been eaten.

As Moderators on 3 separate kayak and fishing forums, Terry, Lee and I always try to lead by example in the interest of sustainable fishing.

Warmest Regards


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ando_04 wrote:

username_taken wrote:
Biggle's hull was actually overflowing with fish. So much so that he kept throwing big fish back in the water because he had no room for them. Was an amazing sight.

Cant you only keep 5 ??

Tongue in cheek comment, never anymore than 4 snapper in my hull all day. B)


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Biggles wrote:

Mack_attack wrote:
Great trip guys and congratulations on the pb terry;)

Just a friendly question and please don't think am i acusing you of illegal actions, how do you guys keep up eating all these snapper without going over the 5 in posession per person limit:)

Hi Mac, generally we only take a few for the table, Terry's family don't eat much fish, and only Lee and his sister eat fish at their house. We eat fish at least 4 times every week either from what we catch or what we buy from the fish market, it is a stable part of our diet.

We also share the spoils of our catch with friends, Alby pulled a donut today but went home with a nice feed. Nothing is wasted, and we never take home more than the legal requirement. I gave half my fish from to day to my neighbour and the rest has already been eaten.

As Moderators on 3 separate kayak and fishing forums, Terry, Lee and I always try to lead by example in the interest of sustainable fishing.

Warmest Regards


Thanks for the reply Al,

:ohmy: :blink: :woohoo: Fish four times a week!

Good to see that your fish is enjoyed by many people, keep up the good work boys:) ;) .

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haha sorry Al, I got you into trouble. To be perfectly honest Al didn't catch a fish all day, he buys his fish from the markets and puts them in the hull before we set off.

I just had a good idea, we could install a mincer into your hatch and that way nobody will ever know there's 15 snapper in your hull, just a bunch of fishcakes :D

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werewolf wrote:

Hot dam Terry! Yeah did u measure / weight it? Is that the biggest one u boys have got yet? :woohoo:

I can't wait to the cobes start towing u bows around!:laugh:

ps - I can't believe u landed that on 4 lb! Top effort!:cheer: What size leader?

ok lets clear this up lmao Terys went 72cm and I got a 56cm model, just so you all know the onw im holding out of the water is also Terrys fish at 72cm Terry put that up to show how it actually looked in a bigger persons hands not held at arms length by a midget and zoomed in on. I am serious and Terry will confirm lmao


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pcsolutionman wrote:

werewolf wrote:
Hot dam Terry! Yeah did u measure / weight it? Is that the biggest one u boys have got yet? :woohoo:

I can't wait to the cobes start towing u bows around!:laugh:

ps - I can't believe u landed that on 4 lb! Top effort!:cheer: What size leader?

ok lets clear this up lmao Terys went 72cm and I got a 56cm model, just so you all know the onw im holding out of the water is also Terrys fish at 72cm Terry put that up to show how it actually looked in a bigger persons hands not held at arms length by a midget and zoomed in on. I am serious and Terry will confirm lmao


i'll clear this up, since I know what photos were used in the post:)

The snapper Lee is holding in the picture is mine - it went 72cm.

I am not holding it out to any great lengths, we did take a photo of me holding it almost with straight arms (slighly bent) and it looks a bit bigger again :woohoo: lol

But The way I'm holding it in those photos are a normal sort of relaxed way. It does help when Lee gets up a bit closer for the shot, but if you notice how I hold the fish nothing is blocking the view of the fish. I dont have big fat fingers covering the fish, and I have my lip grips tucked neatly behind the fish out of view. It also doesn't help when Lee is purposely trying to make that fish look smaller in his photo lol Although the resized image doesn't do it any justice - the full size version with lee holding it makes it look a lot bigger

As for the length of the fight, I thought I was in for a much longer fight. I hooked up and the tiny 1000 size reel started screaming. As soon as line started screaming off the reel I knew I was in with a good fish as I've pulled in 50s with almost no line running at all - that 43cm model I got was virtually a skull drag.. yes even on 4lbs :laugh: Although, dont look at my rod, it buckles about 18 times over lol.

I greatly misjudged how much line it had taken off (mainly because I'm use to a bigger 2500 spool size, not 1000!) and I thought in the end it was brought aboard fairly easily. Don't get me wrong it put up a GOOD fight, but I do believe I can go bigger on 4lbs out there :) Maybe 80cm would be the max I'd want on it

It was a pleasure to be out there with everyone and would love to do it again sometime

Leader size was 15lbs caught on a 1/6oz jighead with a 6" atomic plastic on.

My tally:

1 72cm snapper

1 43cm squire that had a head of a snapper, but can't really call it a snapper at that length:P

1 tiny squire that we sort of tip toed around admitting to at the boat ramp (both lee and I got 1 tiny one each lol)

We ended up going to Bribie Island and trolling up the beach about 150-200m out.

Up near the northern of Bribie was a nice little rock/sand bar - yep went from 4m to 2m about 200m frmo the beach.

Lee was virtually on this bar, fully sideways and looking elsewhere when I've looked over and holy $#!7 a wave standing about a metre+ was about to break, and lee was right in the firing path, unable to turn in time and fully side on to this wave. The wave even started to crash and break literally 10m in front of lee but it held up and didn't fully break - if it did lee would have been wiped out. Thankfully i had a bit more space, but even still I took evasive action in the form of turning head on with the wave and started pedalling hard straight towards it. I really did think i was going to get drenched (would have had to punch through the wave - thus my "evasive action")

luckily the wave never fully broke and just disappeared as quickly as it propped up. The next scary bit was the one just behind it was even bigger :|

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Biggles wrote:

username_taken wrote:
Biggle's hull was actually overflowing with fish. So much so that he kept throwing big fish back in the water because he had no room for them. Was an amazing sight.

LMAO, see I told ya's


Yeah... although I remember opening his front hatch and seeing nothing.... nothing but an empty hull :laugh:

Edit: and we wont talk about my bait tube... :blush:

At least I have an angle grinder to cut the next one with :laugh:

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Wow thanks Terry. I guess with the 4lb u get a lot sensativity to pick small bites, but I guess the tradeoff is the slightess nick in the mainline and its all over. I always though snapper were dirty fighters too, so either that assumption is wrong, or that was one dumb fish!

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