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Rocks at Double Island point


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Has anyone fished the rocks at Double Island point coming from Teewah beach way. I've heard that you can get some big fish from there using live whiting. My brothers friend from work has said that he has caught GT's to 10kg, spanish mackeral and the like. He has also been busted off on 80 pound gear so its got me very interested. I am planning on going there next week if everything goes to plan, pending work as always.

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What baits would be the best to fish off the rocks? I've only ever fished for bream etc but never for larger specimens. Im guessing live bait would do the trick like whiting and mullet if I can get them in the gutters. Would floated pilchards be good enough too? No real species im targeting just whatever comes my way.

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mate been fishing the rocks at DI for years, especially this time of year big jewies are achievable however they are hit and miss most times we spend a week there and only 1 night we managed 6+ jewies all over 5kg and next night none. It seems they arent picke either we've got em on crap servo squid and pillies before but the live bait (mullet) went crazy, i got spooled on my 6500 alvey with 30lb braid had to let go of the reel after it burned my hand took approx 350 m, think it was a shark though. Goodluck mate you will get massive dart and tailor on poppers during the day there aswell

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