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Big Salmon


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Went for a fish yesterday arround midday. Came past a guy with a big smile on his face. I know what that smile means B) B) B) . Not one but TWO monster salmon both taken in middle of day on the runout tide. I took a photo and had a yarn to him. He said he has enough fish. So he gave me what livies he had left and gave me his spot. I went a bit futher up and cast net a few more livies. and came back and threw two rods in.

After a while i wound in one of my rods as it was quiet. half the herring was gone. Ok rebait it and throw it back out just a little deeper. Check the other rod.. Wait there some weight on this. :woohoo: :woohoo: after a few good runs and not much headshaking, i get it to the top and it is a Stingray :angry: . ok Touch leader ( counts as a catch) cut off and new hook just as i was about to cast out myother rod takes off. big runs and heaps of head shaking. after a minute or two and a lot of line taken out:woohoo: :woohoo: the hook got thrown and i get all my gear back minus the Salmon im going to say i had on there.

Im defently going back there again. Here is the pic of the other guys Salmon. I didnt ask him if he was a member. [img size=375]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/DSC02826__375_x_500_.jpg


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Cant u reconise the background? i guess there is a lot of warfs that could look like that and i know it is not the clearest picture. was Betweem fisherman island boat ramp and the river mouth.. but the salmon would be all through there. just remember the rulz, deep holes during the day shallows at night. :)

silver_rex wrote:

and this spot is where ;) hahahaha
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pinkey wrote:

Great catch, but i don't agree with keeping 2 metere pluss models in a day, each to their own.

yes true pinkey I was thinking that but hey who knows each to their own

Personally myself when I catch a big one I pack up and go home

:P < lazy bugger

also just out of interest they both seem the same length but have a distinctly different shape...male and female?


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Shrimpo wrote:

How do you know their metre plus? The bloke might only be 5.6ft tall

mate they have to be a metre at least, i agree one would be fine for a feed and freezer but hey could of had a few people on the waiting list for fish as well, i let my old girl know when im going fishing so if i get any i keep a feed for me and the oldies, mind you i only take like one maybe 2 fish for me and the same for the olds.

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Yeh i agree with u guys.. i would not take 2 home, and id only take one home if i went to release it and it did not swim away... but i dont think u read the post properly. i didnt catch the fish.. i took a photo of another guy in another boat. so taking stabs at him wil get no where as i dont think he is a member of afo.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

and im not sure about there being 2 different shapes.. they looked pritty simmular when i saw them and in the photo one is nearly on its side. but Is that the difference between males and females? body shape? maybe someone knows

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pinkey wrote:

Great catch, but i don't agree with keeping 2 metere pluss models in a day, each to their own.

Totally agree.

A guy in my work catches them and always releases them. Fair enough taking one back (which should last you a long time) but any mores just greedy.

The lad in my work reckons it wont be long until they are targeted commercially which would be a real shame.

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Guys I think you'll find that they're both females by the time they get that size.

Fishing world magazine september issue p30 had an article about blue salmon & threadies indicating that the TFS like barra start out males and change sex at 4-5 yrs old at about 80 - 100cm. Whilst blue salmon change over 2-3yrs old & 40cm.

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great fish. :woohoo:

it is quite easy to use the fillets off two fish that size - if you have a family of 5... three feeds and one is gone, and thready freezes very well. not being racist or anything but asian families can be rather extended (based on my mates anyway) and by the time all the aunts uncles cousins and grandparents got there there wouldn't be a lot of change from 6-7kg of fillets! not saying i personally would have kept two (only me and old man, one lasts about a month!) but it is well within the rules and as far as i'm concerned that is fine. can't wait to get the boat fixed and get out chasing them myself! :woohoo:

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johnjack wrote:

The fish is 110cm and 118cm, I donated the bigger fish to my church feeding 30 visitig pastors,from all over the world. Here is the number of my church,look for pastor Jono and ask him,by the way he is also a lawyer ,International City Church, 32571868.

Nice work mate. And good fish.


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johnjack wrote:

The fish is 110cm and 118cm, I donated the bigger fish to my church feeding 30 visitig pastors,from all over the world. Here is the number of my church,look for pastor Jono and ask him,by the way he is also a lawyer ,International City Church, 32571868.

nice fish - welcome to the site, dont think anyone here needs the proof that you dontated it to your church. i ocassionaly keep a couple of threaddies as well and share it amongst my family and family friends. theres no harm in that as long as you abide by the laws/regulations

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Hey/... welcome to the site John... :)

great catch and good on you for feeding others with it.

Maybe you could share some techniques with everyone here.. no secrets, just some good pointers. People here are always looking at improving their thready catches.... some people are just trying to catch 1 :)

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johnjack wrote:

The fish is 110cm and 118cm, I donated the bigger fish to my church feeding 30 visitig pastors,from all over the world. Here is the number of my church,look for pastor Jono and ask him,by the way he is also a lawyer ,International City Church, 32571868.

Welcome to the site... i still remember the smile on ur face when i came past and caught up with u... Yeh id say alot of people here are jealous of ur fish more then anything. And there so tasty... Looking foward to catching u out there again mate. :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

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i have to admit i was one of the guys to get in a huff wen i saw the foto- but john seems to be right on the money by gigving it to the church. i apologise for, well, racial profiling/ racsim on my part (even though i didnt write anything).

just goes to show, we always need to hear both sides to EVERY fishing story.

the world would probbaly be a better place if more people donated their 'fish' to a 'church' (metaphorically speaking, think about it)


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Thank you for your good word,and you have the right attitute.

Let me tell you how i was rewarded the second fish,

I started fishing at 9.15am, caught the 110cm fish at 10am. Then I called my pastor that i had a fish to give away the fish, and also to arrange cooking the fish for them.

What happen next is amazing, as soon as my pastor agreed, I could see my rod tip moved two times, i quickly ended the conversation and graped the rod, the rod banded,the reel zzzzzzz, the fish is 118cm, and gave me a very good fight . Went home at 12, not bad 3 hrs fishing.

I did my part to give away the fish, but i did not expact anything in return, it is a bonus when i receive something when i gave. God love a cheerful giver!!!!

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