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How much AFO do you do???


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Just wondering if everyone here reads every new post in all sections, or if you just read the topics that interest you?

Trying to work out if I have a problem or not... :blush: :P

I've read every post since I joined in March this year, and at a quick calculation about 60% of all the older posts, slowly working my way through all of them.

Is this normal, or do I have a problem??? :laugh:

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no fellas it`s not a problem,it`s learning and sharing,sharing and learning,then you add it into your own figgerings and go out and put it into practice,sometimes it work,sometimes it doesn`t.But hey it`s a great way to fill in time,and they tell me your dead along time,so enjoy while you can.

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Yep. Every thread. Very painfull after being away on holidays. Takes days to catch up sometime. Has been the reason for a few late reports:blush: :laugh:

You can pick the pattern of newcomers that get hooked bad. A tentative post or two early, then they get comfy and start helping out and then the count starts to grow quickly before it plateaus after they see similar questions repeated and step back a bit to let others take over the role.

Great social experiment:laugh:

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I mostly read the ones that interest me, however when I'm bored I'd still read the ones that have new posts regardless, the problem is the amount of time I spend on the site, I have it on every-single-day and check on it periodically during the course of the day...

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Hi, my name's Kreel and I have a 5 AFO a day habit.

It started small, taking quick peeks at work and maybe a thread or 2 at night. Pretty soon I was mainlining AFO!

My browser has been pumping threads of the stuff straight into my veins through a heavy ADSL2 line, I can't get enough of the stuff. Truth is, I can quite anytime I want to, I'm going to shut it down now...

...too long without reports, oh no I'm adickhead, sorry addicted.

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kreel wrote:

Hi, my name's Kreel and I have a 5 AFO a day habit.

It started small, taking quick peeks at work and maybe a thread or 2 at night. Pretty soon I was mainlining AFO!

My browser has been pumping threads of the stuff straight into my veins through a heavy ADSL2 line, I can't get enough of the stuff. Truth is, I can quite anytime I want to, I'm going to shut it down now...

...too long without reports, oh no I'm adickhead, sorry addicted.

Kreel comments like yours are why people like me get addicted to this site. :laugh:

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95% of the site i read with my mobile phone under the desk at work while pretending to work.

9hrs per day = 6 hrs of AFO time :P

the other 4% is on the home comp so i can look at the pics (too hard/frustrating/time consuming on mobile), so i normally tag the pictures and send em to my priv email to look at later.

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