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Shark Q's re: Casting etc.


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Been reading up on sharking in the Brizzy Riv recently and have a few Q's.

Main line, swivel, leader, swivel wire, hook. With all that length how does one cast it? From the tip of the rod I'll have about 9ft of stuff to throw out!!

Cut bait? Is this just a frozen Tweed fillet or is it an actual bleeding lump of fish? How big a bit of fish is required.

Quote from the excellent light shark tackle thread;

"Lines are fished with reels out of gear and ratchets on to allow the fish to run when they pick up a bait"

As I am only used to spinning reels does this appertain to a different type of reel? I'd assume I'd just leave the drag loose as, or do I leave the bail arm off.

Sinkers; Where do they go and what size (I'm assuming enough to anchor the bait), surely the shark would feel the weight and be spooked by that rather than the drag on the line?


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Hi Kev,

I met a guy who was sharking once and he only had a swivel above the wire and about 70-80cm of trace, with a swivel and running sinker above it.

then he had a few metres of leader tied in to the main line above the trace.

i would assume on a spinning reel you would just loosen the drag heaps and do it up when he's got the bait

i hope i havent spread misinformation but thats what the fella was doing, if he had it wrong i am sure someone here will correct me :D

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You don't use a swivel to join the leader to mainline. Use some sort of joining knot like the albright, uni-uni, surgeons. Just find one that will hold strength in the line class you'll be using, as some don't like real heavy to light.

Cut bait = A fish that you've caught (far better than a frozen chunk of tweed stuff) and a fillet about 10-15cm long depending on hook size and size of shark you're targeting.

Sinker is dependant on current and where you want the bait to be. You need to make the choice as there is no right on wrong answer. Sharks often take the baits off the surface. They don't just hang around the bottom. Infact, a bait on the surface would probably be better than one on the bottom as it's away from Catties (kinda anyway...) and crabs.

And reels, loosen the drag a bit on you spinning reel if using a live-bait, but I prefer set drags for fillets and pilchards

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I'm no expert, but I use a heavy snapper lead sinker ( pretty heavy like 12 oz ) on a paternoster rig. With the wire trace about 3 foot above the sinker. I have the trace about 3 - 4 foot long.

I find I get alot more action when using a heavy sinker that will get down to the bottom due to the heavy currents in the river. However in saying this, I get alot more catfish than sharks.

For bait I use thawed out pillies on 3 gang hooks.

I have found a tuna oil based burley bomb in the shallow parts helps bring them in.

I have my drag set fairly loose, enough to be able to set the hook when they take off, and then will tighten the drag up.

I have found most of the time once you have hooked one, they bolt straight for the middle of the river.

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WA pilchards or mulies they are about 20cm long kev

you can get them out of any bait freezer

best fished on a gang of 4x4/0 hooks

also best fished on the surface or mid water as if you fish them on the bottom the catfish will win the race every time

when chasing sharks in ithe river you will get just as many fishing on the surface with out being bothered by crabs catfish and to a lesser extent pike eels though the eels will occasionally take a surface bait

i tend to use half inflated balloons the sharks seem to like them they will quite often attack the balloon

and burst it before they take the bait

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jeff f wrote:

WA pilchards or mulies they are about 20cm long kev

you can get them out of any bait freezer

best fished on a gang of 4x4/0 hooks

also best fished on the surface or mid water as if you fish them on the bottom the catfish will win the race every time

when chasing sharks in ithe river you will get just as many fishing on the surface with out being bothered by crabs catfish and to a lesser extent pike eels though the eels will occasionally take a surface bait

i tend to use half inflated balloons the sharks seem to like them they will quite often attack the balloon

and burst it before they take the bait

I take it this will be a sort of paternoster rig with the balloon as the float........weight/1.5m heavy leader/1m wire off to one side and the hooks/ 1.5m heavy leader/main line? This sounds more castable as there's only 2m after the main line. If I use one of the aforementioned knots for main to leader I can reel another 1.5m back into the rod?? Leaving a casting length of only 1.5m of stuff....

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I'm assuming the big sinker holds the line in place and the half inflated balloon just holds the bait up in the water. I also assume the balloon inflation will need to be adjusted to let the sinker sit on the bottom, and the balloon could possibly be under the surface even. I am moving to a new rental with a swimming pool next week and will be able to do some testing to see what inflation works best. Don't think they'd like me doing that in the communal pool where I am now!!! I can also practise my luring to see how the lures swim, and what arm action to give it etc. Can't wait!!B)

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the sinker is used to get the bait to a specific depth, i.e the length of line below the balloon no?

so the balloon is used to ensure the bait doesnt sink to the bottom, but the sinker is used to make sure it sinks to whatever depth you have decided upon via your lenght of line to the balloon

that is what i always thought anyhow

Kev if you're going sharking some time i would love to join ya, i'm setting up my wilson surf rod for some sharking and i too have loads to learn ;D

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Sounds like a gig!! Brisfisher is offering to chaperon me at some point, more the merrier!! I might be off the fisho scene for a while as I have me hands full with my impending move and then my boy is on his summer hols, but the moosus is off on Weds and Fris so that could be my pass out to fish!!

Tootle Pip! I'm off to the river for a fish! (NOT sharks, today!) That pontoon in the park right next to the Gateway. Road with Courier Mail on the corner. I'll be there 'til 3pm.

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The way Jeff is talking about them, the balloon is used as a float (ie. it has to be above the water) and the sinker is used so that the bait sits kinda vertical, about 1m under the float, rather than flapping in the current.

You can use a small float to suspend bait off the bottom about a metre or two if you want the sinker on the bottom like a traditional paternoster rig

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nadders wrote:

the sinker is used to get the bait to a specific depth, i.e the length of line below the balloon no?

so the balloon is used to ensure the bait doesnt sink to the bottom, but the sinker is used to make sure it sinks to whatever depth you have decided upon via your lenght of line to the balloon

you got it nadders thats one way

though kevs way works too but i use foam or cork floats for that

with baloons i dont use a paternostre rig

i use the rig in the diagram above with a modification

i use a large reef bean sinker instead of a snapper lead or bomb

i put a second swivel 15cm above the first one with the sinker between them and attach the baloon to the top swivel with a length of lighter line

easy to use easy to cast easy to replace busted baloons

a tip for fishing baloons land based look for current lines and eddies and use them to keep

the baloon out from the bank

use jetties and pontoons

tight bends and places where the river gets wider quickly

even having the wind comming the right way can help keep your baloon out

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MoparKevUk wrote:

Sorry Nadders, I was straight out the door, but that is the place. Unless you are an elderly half deaf Italian with busted up rods and a chunkyB) daughter who washes in the Brisbane River whilst shouting at her 2 lap dogs I didn't see ya!!;) I had some luck, report to follow!B) :fishing:

oi that was me you pillock :P :P nah not really

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im glad this thread was started as it answered a few questions i had myself.

my shark setup is a penn 330gti with 50pound braid, swivel, about 4ft of leader. and two 10/0 hooks.

its a prick of a thing to cast and so far ive been out twice (land-based, first time from the beach opposite colmslie boat ramp and 2nd time - under indro bridge) and only caught a big pike eel on mullet.

ive been attaching a balloon each time to my swivel, so the bait sits about 4ft below the surface, but it tends to last about 30 seconds before the ballon and bait is back at my feet on the beach. so thinking about canning the balloon and throwing a good sinker on and putting the sucker on the bottom next time i head out.

thoughts on that or my tackle as im a tad unsure if im using the right gear?

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On the bottom the catfish and crabs wil have your bait pretty quick.

If your landbased try tying half a house brick on the bottom, bait in the middle, float on top. Use a light line between house brick and bait, that way it should break if you get a shark on, but be retrievable (slowly) if you want to check or move your bait.

Free spool the reel, ( you or your mate hold on to the rod well just in case!) and chuck the house brick out in to the river, your bait will stay where you put it. Even if its not far from shore. I used to tie a few yard of clothes line rope to the brick so I could get a good swing up and get a bit more distance. (a bit like a careful warped olympic hammer throw! - watch where the line is if your doing this! You will have seen enough Willie Coyote comics to get the drift of what happens if you bugger this up!)

Of course if your full on like Terry (pre yak days) you will have a "deployment vessel", a blow up raft you paddle out and drop the whole rig over the side from, so you have the bait exactly where you want it.

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yep these guys here have got it right , but depends on the day and how much the tide is pulling as to whether you use lead or not .. i usually have one lightly weighted and one with no sinker just to see what the sharks prefer for the day...i do all my shark fishing from lower mt crosby weir down to goodna with kookaburra park , johnsons rock , riverside , junction , bremer river keith street , and the lake at goodna as my spots that i will chase the bullies. best bait , nothing beats live mullet and boneys , but little live catties work aswell , and if the sharks are in hot action a chunk of freshwater eel will catch you 1-4 sharks per piece..A good knot to learn is the improved allbrite which joins thin to thick the best.. i only use 30-40cm of nylon coated wire trace , 1.5mtrs of 60lb+ mono that is tied on to main line of 20lb braid using improved allbrite , this way you can cast easily.. but usually from boat you dont need to cast , you can just feed the bait out using the current.

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