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shark bleeding and table prep


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don't know if there's been anything on this previously......any one got tips for the most thorough way to bleed and prep sharks for the table??

so far i know gut and de fin them, fillet, skin them but don't touch the flesh after touching the skin if possible. is it just a throat cut to bleed them?? and do it straight away or can they sit for a bit first??

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Have a look at this site.

This is the method that I now use.

Feral sent it to me a while ago.

Maybe someone with computer skills can copy it to the thread.



ps for the non kiwis

chilly bin translates to esky has nothing to do with Brians whelly bin.B)

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This is the info from that link www.fishingkites.co.nz/articles/articlefive.htm - thanks so much....a little different to the approach i was going to take but looks very effective.

The most important thing to remember, whatever shark species or recipes you intend to use, is to thoroughly clean the shark or dogfish as soon as it is landed to avoid ammonia from the spleen tainting the flesh.

[img size=499]http://www.fishingkites.co.nz/articles/shark-images/big-shark-pics/cut-shark.jpg

Take a sharp knife and cut behind the top of the head until the backbone is severed.

[img size=499]http://www.fishingkites.co.nz/articles/shark-images/big-shark-pics/cut-shark2.jpg

Then turn the knife and run it along just underneath the backbone toward the anal fin.

[img size=499]http://www.fishingkites.co.nz/articles/shark-images/big-shark-pics/cut-shark3.jpg

At the end of the gut cavity turn the knife downwards to a point just behind the anal fin.

[img size=499]http://www.fishingkites.co.nz/articles/shark-images/big-shark-pics/cut-shark4.jpg

This cut removes the head and gut cavity, including belly flaps, in one piece. The remainder is called the trunk and is solid meat.

[img size=499]http://www.fishingkites.co.nz/articles/shark-images/big-shark-pics/cut-shark4.jpg

Thoroughly clean the area under the backbone taking care to remove all blood and the green spleen from the cavity in the backbone.

[img size=499]http://www.fishingkites.co.nz/articles/shark-images/big-shark-pics/shark-cut5.jpg

Take the trunk to the waters edge and rinse all blood from the gut cavity, then cut off all remaining fins. Store the cleaned trunk on ice in your chilly bin ready for filleting at home.

[img size=499]http://www.fishingkites.co.nz/articles/shark-images/big-shark-pics/fin-shark.jpg

Skinning and Filleting Sharks

To fillet the finned trunk slice from the end of the gut cavity to the tail and cut around the backbone to remove it.

Slice the single fillet in half lengthwise along the line of the removed backbone to allow the flesh to lay flat for skinning. After skinning remove any remaining cartilage and cut into cooking sized portions.

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