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PB near Shorncliffe Sunday, 15th Feb


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Hey guys, this is my first report so be gentle. :)

Due to the suprise of good weather today, I was sitting around at home chatting with the mrs this morning, trying to decide if we wanted to go for a fish or have a few beers and waste the day. We decided we'd fish for a bit and then waste the arvo with a few beers.

About 11:30am we got to this little jetty near Shorncliffe. (not sure of exact name, so please let me know if you know where it is I'm talking about... near the marina place and there's a boat ramp there too).

Anywayz... we get there and cast out. Now don't laugh but we were using cooked prawns, that we had in the fridge. Filled up on them the other night then completely forgot there were left overs until this morn. They weren't looking to healthy to eat so bait is was. :laugh:

First cast, about 3 mins in the water Zzzzzzz.....

Pull in a little bream (bout 15cm).... another hour pulling 10-15cm bream in and then it justs dies. No nibbles, nothing. We're running low on bait now, so I get the cast net out and pull in a few livies.

Hook the first live one up and cast..... Sinker and line goes one way the fish the other. :blush:

Look around... no one saw that so I reel in and put another one on. This time it works. I leave it out there and am chatting away to a couple of kids that were asking questions about the cast net and all this other stuff.

10 mins or so out there and Zzzzzzzzzz...... the line just takes off. I begin relling in and the beauty is fighting like crazy. I figured I'd hooked a sting ray as it was left, right, too me, away from me... all over the place.

I get it in closer and crikey :woohoo: , it's a 60cm flattie. I didn't know what to say. I thought flatties would normally only run when coming to the surface (I'm obviously wrong.... guess that's part of being new to the fishing thing).

So I land the little sucker (thanks to the guy with the landing net... I didn't have mine cause I never really catch anything worth while. :lol: ).

Definately a PB for me:

[img size=500]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/60cm_Flathead.JPG


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