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Clarence River Trip Report


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Hey guys

Have just gotten back from our 4 day trip to Yamba, and it was awesome. Was slightly worried on how fresh the river would be days before we left and on the trip but revealed it was going to be alright as i caught a bream within minutes.

We arrived 3.00 Thursday afternoon. I fished all that afternoon and night till about 11-12ish. Was rewarded with a few small bream, whiting and also a legal bream going 26cm.


Next morning i started at about 6.00am and decided to walk the sandbanks and attempt my 1st SP catch. After an 1 hour or so i was actually beginning to get a few hits. Eventually I hooked up a fish after a few hours. Managed to land it and it was a nice mullet, foul hooked in the side ;) . I was still happy and my confidence with lures was growing.



That day i caught heaps more bream and nothing much else.

The next day we hired a tinny and took it to the rock walls. Within a few minutes i was already getting bites and managed to hook up a fish. After a short fight i landed my 1st ever flathead going about 31-32cm :cheer: .


I then hooked up another 20-30mins later it was another flattie but would of only gone around the 26-27cm. Next few hours caught a bunch of small bream and then another 30cm or so flattie :) .


Next day i didnt do to much fishing just a bit of sp fishing here and there. But dad and I went out that night for 3-4 hours. We had been sitting around for at least 2 hours with not even a touch and we were losing hope. My rod then got a huge hit, and i struck and hooked up something big. It put up a huge fight and i didnt have a clue what it was (was hoping big bream) after a 2-3min fight dad netted it and it revealed an awesome bream that measured 36cm, my new pb, and also probably my best ever catch :woohoo: .



After the release i decided to pack up on a good note.

On Sunday i got up at about 10.00am and fished basically all day. Also hired a kayak for a few hours. Didnt catch much apart from a few small bream, butter bream, and whiting.


That night (also last night of trip) i hooked up a stingray. I didnt know what it was until 3-4 mins into the fight as i got a slight look, but it put up an awesome fight on my light bream gear. After minutes of trying to get it off the bottom it finally came up and we netted it. Was slightly disappointed it wasn't a nice fish, but still, it was my 1st stingray :)


That was the last session of the trip as we had to leave early this morning. I was extremely happy with how the trip went with some great catches, it was great. :)



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