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NPD 12/6/09


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NPDam good fishin' with Ray

Now that's how Tacklebox and I saw the day.

I have to say we were more than a bit chuffed to be asked out with Ray for a fish in his dam. We've been very lucky with our fishing tutors - Benno first and now Ray. As Ray said, the day was cool and quiet - my reality was... brass monkey cold and quiet.

We were awake at 4am looking for an excuse not to leave our warm comfortable bed, none came and up we got and we were on our way. We were early for our meeting at 5:45am, then on the water moments later and quickly on the troll. Ray, as you would expect, was the perfect host with coffee and tea on call.

The dam is beautiful at this hour of the day, mists floating across the water and small birds skimming the surface chasing insects. We trolled down the lake, without success, to Ray's Red Claw pots. We had a large bucket to fill and an hour or so later it was full and another was almost half way there.

Ray took us to one of his 'X' spots and I was eager to get a bait (live shrimp) into the water. Ray missed a couple of hits while trying to get the boat in just the right position... and then I was on, you have no idea how excited I was to get the first fish of the day and my first legal bass, at 40 cm it won't take any records but it made my day. It was followed in quick succession by Ray with 2 similarly sized fish and as it turned out the last of the day.

As quickly as the day began it was over and we were back at the ramp, Ray was generous to a fault and we have enough Red Claw to sink a boat, and Bass for the following few nights. By the way, Red Claw sautéd in butter with garlic and chilli (Ray's suggestion) went down a treat tonight, we will have to dive into a few cookbooks over the next few days to come up with something as tasty.

Many thanks to Ray for his hospitality and advice. We had a great day and any time you need a couple of deckies we have our hands up.

Tacklebox took some beautiful shots and then she took a couple of Ray and I, please enjoy -

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Some great photos and kind words there Kreel and Tacklebox. Sorry I didnt prepare you enough for the early morning chill but it did warm up once the sun hit the water.

I had a great day even though the fish were not cooperative. I really enjoy sharing the NPD experience with others.

The beauty,peace and tranquillity within 20ks of the CBD are unbelievable.

Cheers and thanks


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straddiebrad wrote:

those red claw look nice to eat i will have to try some one day,are they hard to find and is there a size limit on them ,how many can u keep.brad

No size or bag limits on them in our waters only restriction is 4 pots per person.



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tacklebox wrote:

When the conditions are like this I always think of all the people working dealing with cranky customers and bosses looking over their shoulders to make certain that they are working their fingers to the bone. :blush:



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straddiebrad wrote:

thanks ray do i have to have a permit if iam just catching red claw at that dam.

There are two permits Ray has, One for the boat, one to fish the dam, it is the standard SIP.

Pretty sure you do need the SIP to catch only redclaw on the dam. It is required for any form of fishing.

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