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Site problems?


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really? we have not found it to be slow. We visit the site on numerous computers in different locations. This is not to say it isn't performing slowly for some users, it just means it is harder to track down causes when you don't realise it is happening.

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well i was slow about 10min ago and now its fast.

but normally its slow even at work ( on the south side) and i just changed jobs and the new connection is not any better.

freaky im browsing while writing this and it seems fine tho earlier tonight not so good.

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We will be doing some optimisation soon on the forum so hopefully this will minimise server queries to help with server load. Hopefully this will help with the performance of the site. Just like Twitter and some of the big sites (but on a lesser scale) we have a precarious job of balancing hardware, development and costs to provide a site that is stable, fast and performs well. Cheers

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