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Report on afternoon fishing the logan


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Put in at skinners road and headed off for the junction dropping in some crab traps on the way.

Went close to shore and drifted with the incoming tide and threw out the cast net getting a few prawns and small bony bream but was looking something a bit bigger to use as shark bait. Threw the net out and it started to fight back and pulled in a 30cm bream, next cast another bream, next cast another bream, next cast two breams. This is ok me and my mate were thinking don't need to bring the rods. Only got prawns on the next few casts so decided to go back over the area we got the breams. First cast the net came back completely full of 8-10 cm mullet, bony bream. Took quite a while to get them out of the net. Tried a different spot and got some bigger bony bream for shark bait.

Put out the rods at the junction and within 10 minutes my rod had some action on a prawn. While I reeled in my bloody catfish my mates shark rod went off. He hooked it but it stayed out and took line of as it pleased. In the meantime another catfish took a small baitfish. My mate continued to try and get the fish in, whatever it was. He would bring it in a bit and it would take off for the mangroves again. For the next 20 minutes or so we were trying to get it to the boat and while it was getting closer it was still not showing us what it was and kept circling the boat and the boat had also moved closer to the shore as well. Then my shark rod went off but it went dead and I brought half a fish back.

Eventually we say the trace and then a 1.2 metre bully showed itself. My mate had brough a gaff so I gaffed it in the mouth but then it went a bit crazy and there was a tug of ware between myself and the shark and the gaff hook came of the handle. Took some more time to get it back again but this time I grabbed it by the tail and used the gaff hadle on its head. It had broken off one of the hooks but the trailing hook had got it near the gills. Maybe that accounted for the big fight it put up. The snap swivel had also undone so the hook could have fallen off.

Fished a bit more at the junction but the tide had turned and was creating quite a flow. Those eagles or hawks were about trying to catch fish from the water. At one stage we watched one of them dive down and grab a fish from the water, then my line started to scream out and you could see that the eagle had grabbed my bait. When i stopped the line going out the eagle let go. That was unreal. Pulled the bait in and it was fine so casted it out again. Within ten minutes an eagle dived for a fish again, and my line started going out again and my bait had been picked up again. Happened twice bloody unreal.

Decided to call it a day but though I would try for some more prawns for dinner and maybe some bream. Threw the cast net in and it was stuck. Probably not surprising and should not be casting in a place where you can pull bream out from since they like it rocky. Practically destroyed the net getting it out. Not happy jan.

That was enough, pulled the crab traps in with nothing legal.

An eventful trip, and a successful one even though most of the fish came in the net.


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Lozzel wrote:

Let me know when you are going Jeff, sounds like it is a place to try. Will take OZTRAV to keep the CATTIES at bay.

Good report Joe,sounds like you had an eventfull day and good one on the BULLY.


if your offering a seat i can fill it

Post edited by: Oztrav, at: 2007/02/25 12:20

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Oztrav wrote:

Lozzel wrote:
Let me know when you are going Jeff, sounds like it is a place to try. Will take OZTRAV to keep the CATTIES at bay.

Good report Joe,sounds like you had an eventfull day and good one on the BULLY.


if your offering a seat i can fill it<br><br>Post edited by: Oztrav, at: 2007/02/25 12:20

yeah no worries loz, one more trip like that and we'll have to rename him catfish king:silly: sorry trav

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