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Is Threadfin good eating? Or can be eaten?


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Hi guys,

I've never caught a threadfin before and im planning to hunt for one this weekend, landbased... silly question, but has anyone tried eating them? are they good? How have they been cooked?

Ive seen heaps of pics but no mention of eating?

Can they be eaten? or Release only?

Also any tips as to where i might be able to catch em in the Brissy River?

thanks guys


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taib wrote:

thanks guys for the feedback on eating em.... any tips where i could try to catch a threadfin? and wat bait to use?

They are a beaut fish to eat.

Big numbers of them congregate around the pipeline at the mouth of Boggy creek.

So many in fact that they seem to be in plague proportions. Use live prawns or Transams lures to catch them.

Go catch eat and enjoy your Sport.

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Here's on I like to do with them.

Fillet the fish skin it cut it into steaks.

gill the fish by spreding a small amount of butter over it lemon juice,salt and pepper and lemon pepper sesoning ENJOY

cheers dassa

P.S my mouth is watering just thinking about it :laugh:

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