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Notice to all Southerners

Brian D

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I was talking to some blokes from the Sundowner Fishing Club the other day - they are the fellows that organize King of the Pin comp.

They offered me to put together a team to fish in an interclub comp in the team events. It goes a bit like this.

We can have as many people in our team as we want, 1058 on site should do! We then go fishing anywhere at the pin or the waterway of the host club. We then select the best fish from each category for the weigh in and put it up against their best fish.

Best fish wins then you get to host the next years comp.

Sounds like great fun to me.

They meet every last Tuesday of the month at Beenleigh Bowls Club.

Chippie -I noticed that you are nearby and thought maybe we could go along to a meet to sus them out.

What about it guys anyone think they are good enought to kick some arses!

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Yeehaa! Bring it on, Big B :woohoo:! Definitely up for this, but need to know some dates. Once you've sussed them out, a gander at the rules'd be good, eg landbased, boatbased, either (or both), times, species target list, etc. I already feel kind of sorry for these dudes - talk about an error in judgement :evil:! Fancy taking on the bad boys from AFO :evil: :evil:!!

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we would have to use our scales though for the heaviest fish, ive heard that have two different type of scales, one for their members and another for non members, my buddies caught a 4kg tailor during the king of the pin about 5 years ago, the next heaviest fish was a shovel nosed shark at approx 2 kgs (our guess) and the shovel won, (to a regular member of the pin comp), the rules would have to be stated clear in black and white, but im definatly in to give those guys a run for their money

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Ha - Cool guys - sounds like where are going to flog the crap out of them. I wonder what Dave Downer will say on his radio spot, he's their patron member.

On a quick count we have 5 boats already

Brian D





and Ray & Feral (asumption)

OZ - this will be a dead fish weigh in - all legal eatable fish only.:)

Chippy - they won't dud me on the scales - they wouldn't dare - I'm a AFO member and noone fcuks with a AFO member if they know what's good for them.;)

Poly - your timing sound perfect - around July August.B)

Feral - you need the workout you lazy fart :P

Cliffy - no need o feel sorry for them - they are up themselves and we'll be doing the community a service.:woohoo:

I'll take it to the next level and post the info as I sure things up. It'll take a couple of months but that's OK as time flies these days.

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Chippy - they won't dud me on the scales - they wouldn't dare - I'm a AFO member and noone fcuks with a AFO member if they know what's good for them.;)

Poly - your timing sound perfect - around July August.B)

Cliffy - no need o feel sorry for them - they are up themselves and we'll be doing the community a service.:woohoo:

Cool! For the record, I agree - no-one f#cks with the boys from AFO :evil:! Also, I think July/August is sensational timing, and for the record, I'm a very community-spirited kinda guy :evil: :evil:!

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kellyndamien wrote:

Sheesh! Sounds like a war could be brewing...:P I might rock along to the weigh in, but you can tell how good a competitor I would be by the number of reports that I submit!! :(

Kelly it doesn't matter how good you are yet, you only have to be mad keen - if you tag along you'll learn new stuff and start catching heaps. We have all learnt that way - there are very few pioneers in this sport.

Besides that we only get to weigh in one fish per catagory.

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  • 2 months later...

A dead fish weigh in?

Its amazing how much rapid set you can make a fish 'swallow' in order to get the heaviest weight. Rock on up with your flattie on a forklift and say 'show us ya scales'!

Dead set winner and host next years comp. Easy as!

But you can count me in for any comp and will have a spare seat.

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