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Nadders lures field testing report


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Went for a fish with nadders last night for some field testing.. was a very productive session with around a dozen undersized jewies and heaps of squire ranging from 39-54cm and a few tailer and bream... and dan hooked something pretty solid and after a few good runs up comes the other half of what got chewed out the other night.. had regrown its big red head too went 52cm :lol: , we also hooked a few very solid suspected jacks but they were dropped mid fight. Here are some of the pics but we gave up taking pics of all the fish especialy jew and some squire as they were coming in every few minutes :lol: .
















DRUM ROLL PLEASE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>




Mad feed for us.. all other fish still kicking.


I think its proven these lures are fish slayers to say the least... and all the lures we used were seconds.

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we used a range of colours mate between thursdays session and last nights, all the colours picked up their fair share of fish. I did a comparison of lures with and without the synthetic tail, as you can see without the tail still got some nice fish but the best results came from those with the tail.

standout colours for me would be the green and the pink ones, the green colour has been consistant and i got smoked pretty hard on a pink one as well as picking up some nice jew



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Thats good news. You've done really well mate.

Has playing around with the length of the sythetic tail made a difference?

From the reading one of the other posts about your lures you were saying they are nice and tough. So after a Jack / Tailor they are still sweet? not ripped much?

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From what I noticed we got a few more snaps on a slightly longer tail, but i can imagine too long would be a bad thing as the fish may snap at the tail and miss the hooks entirely. One observation was that alot of the fish were hooked on the rear treble on lures with the tail, with the reverse true on no-tail lures, which indicates to me that they are honing in on the tail, so i size the tail to about the reach of the rear hook for best overall results

just realised i said tail too many times in that sentence :P

as for the durability, ive got the hall of fame lure infront of me, this individual lure has serious mojo catching my friends 74 jew on thursday, and 2 tailor a 45 snapper a 54 snapper and the jack on saturday and its got no tooth marks or chunks missing. we went through a few pairs of decoys on each lure so im pretty pleased with the durability

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yes mate as of a few weeks ago ive been putting scent additives in the material, which has added some extra fish appeal, however not all of the lures used the last two sessions were scented. They are silent at the moment but i'm considering doing a rattling version if there is enough advantage in doing so, personally i prefer silent lures anyhow but there are circumstances where a rattle can be a good thing



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Man, you guys are catching some awesome fish, sounds to me like you make the lures yourself.

If thats what you do, then hats off to you, all those fish didnt just jump into your boat, I hope you do well with your lures and congrats on all the fish....cheers Beejay

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I must admit, ive never been big on lures and Ive only ever caught one fish on a lure in my life and that was a Yellow Belly in the Murray River at Mulwala about 20 years ago on a brass spoon shaped spinning lure with a little red cotton wrapped around the treble hooks.

Ive just recently started to build a collection of lures, I have some expensive hard bodies, got some el cheapo ones coming from China...lol, and I have a few soft plastics including Tsunamis, gulps....etc....

Ive always been a bait man ever since i was a little kid, so the transition from bait to lures was always going to be hard for me.

I think I probably need to go out with some fishos that know there stuff as far as lure fishing goes and learn what I can, or vice versa, take someone out who knows there stuff with lures so I can learn a bit.

Im a bit of a lazy mongrel when it comes to fishing, but ive bought some lures now so hopefully having them in the tackle box will make me work harder....cheers again Beejay

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thanks gus i am still in a bit of disbelief at how unlucky it was to get the first one sharked and how lucky it was to get another similar sized one the next session within a few metres of the 1st, bit of a crazy turn of events but hey, who's complaining :silly:



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Different retrieves for different circumstances of course, but around the river and surrounds I prefer a slow lift and drop retrieve, work it just quick enough to feel the vibrations and just long enough to feel them for a second then drop back down on a tight line. I've found that slow hop to be the most effective retrieve in the river on any vibration lure

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