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Hey Guys

I thought I would go for a flick this arvo. So I packed the car and headed out for my adventure at Cabbage Tree Creek.

Had a quick look along the water front and noticed a lot of people fishing. So I decided to head around near the trawling boats and found a nice little opening. So I decided to get the road and gear out and put a soft plastic on the rod... After a few casts BANG my first fish on soft plastics.

I was so excited reeling the fish in and wondering what I had got...it felt like a flathead but no it was a little mullet undersize around 25cm so I let him go . It wasn't only my first fish on plastics but my first fish in a few months ( I was in a drouhgt).

Just thought I would let ya know my excitement for this afternoon

Pics will be coming soon



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Umm nah it wasn't foul hooked it went straight threw the mouth...I am pretty sure it was a mullet... I am not sure what soft plastics they were... I am pretty sure they are starlo X Series things..My old man bought they for me.

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jon wrote:

um , mate pretty sure theres no size limit on mullet

There is - 30cm

One type doesn't have a size limit and hopefully they're the ones you get in the castnet :whistle: . Details are on the DPI website.

Congrats on the first Adam. I'm sure there'll be a few new packets on the shopping list now :laugh:

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