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Softies at night

max pwr

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Heading out tonight again in the yak around sanctuary cove. Have been getting some interest on the 4" pumpkinseed swimming mullet but I know there's some school jew and tailor about lately so I bought some 5" jerkshads in pearl white to give a go, theory being a white sp may spark some interest at night. I see that the thready busters seem to work well and being white I thought the lighter gulp colours may be effective. Anyone else have a particular favourite night time sp?

I dropped the anchor over the side the other night to find my knot wasnt real crash hot and had to tie up to my mate all night. Went to bcf yesterday to buy another anchor and walked out with 2 new sp rods and reels, some 6pd fireline and assorted gulp and jigheads and no anchor! :laugh: So i have to make a return trip today anyway.

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Hey mate I have been using the white snap backs and dispite what some people think they work well at night and give the glow in the dark berkley glow jerk baits a crack along with other's that have glow tails should create some intrest on the jews.good luck

cheers dassa

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I know of a few blokes having good success slow rolling paddle tailed plastics, such as slick rigs etc for school jew at night. They also use white/light coloured lures, so I imagine they would draw more strikes at night? Apparently, the jew really key in on the 'throbbing' of the tail, especially in dirty water/low light conditions

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Another thing to consider is at night with a moon lit sky the darker coloured plastics stand out more due to their silloette and that at night anything that sends out a vibration will attract more interestthan say a sinking minnow style plastic. But I could be totally off the mark as plastics never seem to work for me at night except on pike.


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Colours colours, well honestly at night and down deep I don't place much value on colours (with the exception of glow in the dark colours which I believe works a treat)

It's true alot of threadybuster captures you've seen have looked white, but thats because of two reasons, firstly I make more pearl white and glows than any other colour (there's 7 all up) so I end up using more whites than other colours simply because I have more, and secondly since the glow colour has been out i've been using it the most down deep

In terms of normal non light emitting colours down deep my belief is that it makes no difference as the fish are relying more on their other senses. throw in a light emitting glow and its something for their visual senses to hone in on as well as their lateral line sensing water displacement and sense of smell

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Well here's one for you Dan.

If we turn off the light in a totally blacked out room, after about 5 or 10 minutes our eyes adjust to the lack of light and we have some sort of vision.

Rabbits foxes and other nocturnal animals also have this vision but much keener than a humans, However they do have great hearing and smell senses as well.

Now why would we assume that fish are any different and that they would not be able to see a lure?


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Use plastics a lot at night all types from jerk minnows to paddle tails usually catch fish.

The weight of the jighead and how you work the lure is more important than colour, though usually go for darker colours myself. My favourite plastic day or night 3 or 4 inch powerbait usually pearl watermelon.

Fish have senses other than their eyes. Have caught 1 blind Barra and 1 blind Bass both were fat and healthy.

Kept a blind Silver Arowana for 8 years, it fed and moved around the tank no differently from a sighted one.

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  • 5 months later...

go as dark a colour as I can at night, (especialy up north in the barra dams) theory being that a dark lure will silouette better against a blac sky. Its worked for me, (first suggested by an old Lake Tinnaroo local)

Heading out tonight again in the yak around sanctuary cove. Have been getting some interest on the 4" pumpkinseed swimming mullet but I know there's some school jew and tailor about lately so I bought some 5" jerkshads in pearl white to give a go, theory being a white sp may spark some interest at night. I see that the thready busters seem to work well and being white I thought the lighter gulp colours may be effective. Anyone else have a particular favourite night time sp?

I dropped the anchor over the side the other night to find my knot wasnt real crash hot and had to tie up to my mate all night. Went to bcf yesterday to buy another anchor and walked out with 2 new sp rods and reels, some 6pd fireline and assorted gulp and jigheads and no anchor! :laugh: So i have to make a return trip today anyway.

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