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Fraser Island - Orchid Beach - Sept 4th - 8th


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Well, on Saturday i'm heading up to fraser island for 5 days. Trying something different and heading all the way up to orchid beach.

Will try for tailor, bream, dart, whiting, flathead, and also cook up some pipis :-)

Hope to give my report of all the action late next week.

Wish me luck! :P


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Hey Nat

Just spent a week fishing around Orchid Beach. If you want to have some real fun then do some night fishing - there are some big fish out there in the dark!!!

If you drive down to the beach on the southern most cutting (before the shops) and then turn right towards Waddy Pt you will cross a stream - fish about 30-50 meters beyond that at night.

There is a heap of bait fish in the stream and a nice gutter and big hole at it's exit into the sea. We caught big Tailor (up to 68cms), Jew and got spooled multiple times by things alot bigger

Have fun!!

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blairv wrote:

Hey Nat

Just spent a week fishing around Orchid Beach. If you want to have some real fun then do some night fishing - there are some big fish out there in the dark!!!

If you drive down to the beach on the southern most cutting (before the shops) and then turn right towards Waddy Pt you will cross a stream - fish about 30-50 meters beyond that at night.

There is a heap of bait fish in the stream and a nice gutter and big hole at it's exit into the sea. We caught big Tailor (up to 68cms), Jew and got spooled multiple times by things alot bigger

Have fun!!

Thanks for the tip blair! I'll definatly give that a try :-)



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OK....I'm Back!

And it was a great 5 days!

Set up camp in the duling campground, just south of Nagala Rocks, north of orchid beach.

Beautiful place up there and the indian head and waddy point bypass tracks were quite firm (thats where i got bogged last year - it was a lot more powdery sand then).

The fishing was average though. Very few gutters up that part of the beach. Most fisherman seemed to congregate just north of waddy point (in front of the campground) but we didn't see much action for the amount of fishermen (over 60 cars).

We had the best luck fishing from Nagala Rocks themselves with a great run of tailor on the last day.

But i conquered a few things that i hadnt done before on fraser island, including 4wding through the nagala rocks bypass (which is a reknowned boghole, especially after sunday nights rain), drove up to the sandy cape lighthouse (never seen it before), sucessfully caught beach worms (enough for the 5 days bait), cooked up some pipis (tomato, garlic, and whitewine sauce - delicious), and got a good feed of tailor (last year i could only manage dart).

So i'll let the photos do the rest of the talking.

Cheers for all the tips before i left.

Happy reading!


View from camp:




The Rig:


Ocean Lake:


The Locals:


First Fish - My brother snagged a small tailor:


Second Fish - My first for the week:


Waddy Point Congregation - over 60 cars there for the incoming tide:


Fishing Nagala Rocks:


I'm on - My first Tailor for the trip:


If only they made more fashionable waders:




Nagala Rocks Bypass - Boghole:


View from Lighthouse - 1.2km uphill trek :-)


Northern Fraser - Beautiful secluded beach:



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Yoodles82 wrote:

If only they made more fashionable waders:


They may not be fashionable to you now but my grandma is now able to wear them without a shirt on ;) Grandad says she looks HOT ! :woohoo: :laugh: :laugh:

Fraser's a great place. Just a shame you have to go so far to get away from the crowds these days.

Nice haul of tailor you got :)

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