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Smoked redclaw.


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First catch them


Then head and devein them and place in freezer.

Thaw them out and split in half.


After freezing the meat is easily removed from the half shell with a spoon or your finger.You can also par boil them untill th edge of the shell just starts to turn pink.


According to your taste you can marinade them in soy and water and a little salt for around 30 minutes.

Then allow to dry.


Handfull of sawdust in the bottom of smoker.


Load the tray in the smoker. Here i have some in soy and the rest untreated.


Light smoker and in 5 minutes.


There is a bit of a trick in the cooking time as it will depend on the heat generated in your smoker. If you cook them too long they are tough.

Once cooked they are good hot,cold,in pasta sauce,salads,sangas or my mate also pickles his in vinerar and stores them in the fridge for months.

Pickled and smoked with a cold beer are excellent.

Hardest job is cleaning the smoker. I use oven cleaner then hose it out.



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Mr FeLiX wrote:

Mate, that sounds INSANE!!


Now I've got the boat, I'll be chasing a few of these critters myself and that recipe will be the first I try!!

Does anyone know of any threads on how and where to catch Redclaw?



I have just bumped an old post on my method or redclawing.

I have done a few changes since I wrote it.

The small containers are no longer made so you will have to substitute.

The only bait that i now use is homebrand dog pellets from Big W. ( They are nthe cheapest I buy a 8kg bag)

If avacodoes are cheap I will put a small piece of a soft ripe one in also as they go for it.

I no longer use fish frames because the boat ends up ponging of rotten fish.

You will have to experiment as to the best depths and locations to set your pots.

I usually find best results in the mouths of bays or beside a drop off.

Currently at NPD they are at around the 15 feet mark. Last week they were around 10 feet.



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