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suncoast barra fishing park bli bli

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I am going to the barra park soon does anyone know what bait/hook size works best and is barra the main catch as i wouldnt mind catching a trevally or a jew i have a cast net and could cast net at the bridge right near the park to catch some livies what pound line should i use? any other information about fishing at the park would be appreciated

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been there done that and to be honest, i wouldnt waste my time goin again, they come on the chew as your about to walk out the gate as they close up shop, while they are fed, the ppl there will give ya, wait, sell you what you need. i'm over it but.save ya money for a real fishin trip is my advice. it's pretty lame i reckon.

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they use a really small hooks mate. not sure of the size but what you would use for gar. They are really smart they can tell the difference between the way they where floating, as in the ones with a hook and line and without. I would burly them up and they would smash all the ones without a hook and leave the one with the hook. I would use the lightest line you can and a very light drag setting. The hooks if you are lucky enough to hook up will bend if you put any weight on them. If you fish in the mixed dam make sure you take a second rod and fish the bottom for bream and jew. I think you will have a better chance of catching one of them. So take some pillies as well.

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Hey Mate

Here's my 2 cents

When you get there, they give you pellets for bait that they also feed the fish with, you can also by bait fish from them (Not Live)

I found that going in the arvo was best, we used the pellets and bait and had some ok success however when we decided to leave we did the following

1. Throw a handfull of pellets in to a spot of the pond

2. Cast you baited up hook where you just threw the pellets

They reacted coz they thought it was feeding time and got them spurred up, they smashed the baited hook each time!!! me and a mate ended up catching 3 or 4 Barra in the space of a half hour, prior to that point i caught 1 Barra in 2 hours

Here's a pic of one I caught trying the above, was a little while back !!!


If you haven't been it's worth a visit once & try your luck, there is also a "Big Boys" & "Mixed" pond but i would stick to the main pond for your 1st visit !!

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first thing... try and go their on a rising beromiter or lead up to a storm.

secondly... get a piece of cork about the same size as the pallets which is approx the size of ur thumb nail, glue a very small black washer under one side, and glue the hook facing up on the other. when you cast it out 90% of the time it will land hook out of the water, thus the barra cant see the hook.

thirdly... they do get very finicy so you may have to go down to as low as 4lb but you will get a lot of bust offs.

fourthly... make sure your reel is spooled correctly, cause you are casting a very small weight.

fifth... you can use livies in their, but they will either take them or they wont. It really needs to be a hot day for them to become more actice and feed on livies.

Six... lures, not remember they have seen all lures amaginable to man, you can get them on lures, but you have to try all techs in the book to fool them. My best bet is to try and find a lure that hasn’t hit the Australia market yet.

Sevan... keep the pallets goin into the water, not heaps, you don’t want to feed them, but keep them interested.

Eight... try and go on a very still day ( no wind ) cause the pallet will get pushed away from you taking the fish with them.

Follow all these and you should come up with the spoiles. Don’t let a bad trip get into your mind as the place is poo###.



have fun up their mate

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have a look at my display picutre that is at the barra farm. im thinking of heading down there this thursday for the day. live baite works a treat. how ever i usually use the pellets they give u. toss out a hand full and cast inbetween them. use a really clear leader and try and hide the hook in the pelet the best you can. small hooks work great. i used to go there all the time and we usually catch about 10 to 15 barra in a days sesh. any way mate good luck.


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when we went a couple of years ago they were firing, fish were hooking themselves on the rods that were in the rod holders, triple & quadruple hookups,

later in the afternoon was best, if you use pellets try two hooks, one about fifty cm above the other,

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