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Another Coomera flog


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I didn't get my fishin fix in Forster :whistle: so with todays job pushed to monday I though bugger it I'm gonna get some fish down the Coomera today before I donut there on sunday :unsure:

I launched at Gawler at 5ish and sat around in the lake flicking poppers and walkers for nearly two hours before my first hit and what a hit, a decent tailor going 48cm :woohoo: These things are great fun on the surface, they jump around like a cat on crack.


Second cast after the tailor and a 43cm Big eye jumps on.


The surface bite shutdown for me, although they were still going mental around the yak :angry: So I tied on a shiny new Pontoon21 deep and stuck with it. First victim was a bloody butter bream.....


Followed by a legal bream.


The sp's where getting lonely so I tied on a two inch Gulp shrimp and got 27cm forky bream....



Hopefully sunday won't be a complete waste of time, that is all.

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