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Kayaking the mouth of the Brisbane River


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Just wondering does anyone kayak fish the mouth of the Brisbane River as I haven't heard much about it and would be keen to give it a shot. Only concern would be the boat traffic and getting mowed over by the Tangalooma ferry. From what i can tell the best bet would be to launch at Boggy Creek and paddle out to the pipeline. So what are peoples thoughts on this and has anyone given it a shot as a Threddy from the yak would be a good challenge.



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Hey Mark

Had a crack on yak the other day. Launched northside from park area at end of Gannon Road Pinkenba. There is just the one house at end of road about 30 metres back from Boggy Creek.

Had to get yak over those timber bollards as at the end of the dirt road, its a claytons cul-de-sac, before the mangroves.

Wheeled yak about 50 metres over grassy paddock, to tiny tiny bit of beach and bounced it down to get onto sand..

Where I launched was right opposite the point where the refinery compound is, so just had to cross the wide mouth of Boggy Creek.

Total distance to get round from launch was 1.2kms...not long to get there at all...then I was round at the sunken section of Pinkenba rockwall.

Caught a keeper squire at 36cm in the area that is a "known known" outta the post on AFO - the thread called "sharing mood" or whatever its called which marked out that section as a spot for a few squire / snapper.

But, rules is rules Macca, and it was returned the other day.

Was rubbly ground by the feel of it, with sinker bouncing along...was just drifting...

Keepers were 2 Bream at 27 and 27.5. Caught a coupla small Tailor and small Bream as well. Was incoming tide, and the tides runs pretty hard (on the drift anyways) so if you have to re-do tackle, found I drifted a fair way, before getting back where I wanted to be..

To my suprise and total delight, I totally had the river to myself....just a coupla tugs out and about and 2 cabins boats heading out into the bay...

Not another boat up and down the wall or at/near Poo chute all morning...

If I was heading for wall where the relcaimed land is, reckon for my side of town, I'd drive further down and launch as close to Poo chute as I could drive and then wheel yak down...

Using the mapping thingy here at work, looks like about 5.5kms from northside near Luggage Point plant, cross over to wharf side and then all the way to the end of the port wall / land..

2 heads are better than one if you keen sometime...


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Yeah launch at boggy mark, either stay inside boggy and troll/cast for flatties or troll on your way out to the pipeline and hopefully get a couple trevs (not coomera size - way smaller from what ive caught) then lure around the pipeline.

I wouldnt wanna go any further out as too many dickheads who don't pay attention and wouldnt wanna get mowed down.

I remember a while ago someone caught a thready on a yak; pics were posted here but not sure if he/she was a member or just a link from somewhere else

Good luck

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current rips through pretty hard at times. I usually troll the rockwall opposite the Colmslie boat ramp or launch at the poo chute. There is a sub surface rock wall just upstream from the poo chute that is a big tailor magnet, but you will spend more time paddling than casting

if you go to june 2010 on nearmap and zoom right in just south of the poo chute, the rockbar is visible

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Thanks for the heads up fellas probably best whatever side I launch to stay on that side and avoid crossing the river to much. Boggy Creek seems the go will hit it up some time this week after work.



Let me know when you decide to go and I'll see if I can tag along. Its been a while since I've done any type of brissy river fishin.

On a side note, has the river cleared up at all and have the toxicity warnings been removed?

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Thanks for the heads up fellas probably best whatever side I launch to stay on that side and avoid crossing the river to much. Boggy Creek seems the go will hit it up some time this week after work.



Let me know when you decide to go and I'll see if I can tag along. Its been a while since I've done any type of brissy river fishin.

On a side note, has the river cleared up at all and have the toxicity warnings been removed?

I was thinking of going on Wednesday arvo at boggy creek launching near the bridge thing where the boat ramp is would be there at about 330pm if anyone is keen.



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Thanks for the heads up fellas probably best whatever side I launch to stay on that side and avoid crossing the river to much. Boggy Creek seems the go will hit it up some time this week after work.



Let me know when you decide to go and I'll see if I can tag along. Its been a while since I've done any type of brissy river fishin.

On a side note, has the river cleared up at all and have the toxicity warnings been removed?

I was thinking of going on Wednesday arvo at boggy creek launching near the bridge thing where the boat ramp is would be there at about 330pm if anyone is keen.



See what happens, might be able to make it but it will also depend on the rain fall thats coming.

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I've done multiple sessions out there in the yak, launched from both boggy and the ramp at fisho's island.

Have crossed the river from both sides and yeh, there is boat traffic but you really just have to keep an eye out and your wits about you.......and pedal/paddle like a madman!

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I tried the mouth of aquatic passage going into the river yesterday arvo end scored a couple of healthy bream and one big catfish, asll got soaked for my troubles. Only thing to be careful of is the wash from some of tne bigger boats you wouldn't want to be side on to some of em as it might be a bit hairy in the yak. Depends on tomorrows rain as to weather I hit up the boggy creek area or not.



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Hi Mark, we've done both side of the river and I prefer the Boggy Creek side - there's always a flatty or 2 there and usually some size to them.

Early on we did a river crossing and wouldn't be keen to do it again, there's just no percentage in it. If you want to fish one side or the other it is infinitely easier to drive to that side and launch.

As to the boat traffic, keep an eye out - the big ships will deafen you with their horns while the smaller boats will just run you over - I exaggerate. Its just a normal yak trip, keep an eye out and don't expect anyone to be able to see you.

I walk over the bridge from the Cultural Centre to the city every afternoon and check out the water clarity. It doesn't have the cloudy milky quality it had straight after the flood but it is still muddy. Although it has never been a clean looking river.

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hi Mark

I've yakked that area quite a bit with good success from a Hobie. Have a look on Google earth at Piped Rd at the end of Main Beach Rd and you'll see the tracks that take you to a small "beach" you can launch from near the poo chute. Just be careful if it's been raining and you're not in a 4X4 - it gets pretty boggy. Otherwise head across the paddock at the end of Piped Rd to the river and launch inside the pipeline. I like fishing over the top of the tide at dawn and work the banks for flatties and drift and bounce placcies over the drop off upstream of the poo chute for jew. My favourite down there is a 3" Gulp prawn in midnight tiger (orange and black) if you can find any that aren't twisted out of shape. 1/4 to 3/8 oz usually enough but you'll soon know what works. Watch the tide as it rips through there and the pedal back to the car on an outgoing can be arduous for the unfit - hence the launch down the end. The trip across to the wharves is fine if you keep an eye out for traffic but security will move you along pretty quickly if you get too close - can be a wasted effort. Caught plenty of flatties and jew but no threadies yet - may have been busted up a couple of times by them though. Good luck and let us know how you go.

cheers Rob

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Thanks for so much info guys seems plenty of yakkers do fish the river just don't see many reports though. I live at Manly so the river is local to me and i need a place to call my local spot. If the weather holds tomorrow i'll head back to Bulimba Creek and head out to the river from there, i'll leave the boggy creek launch for a morning session on a weekend. Hopefully some reports to come.



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