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Bass Bonanza & PB !!!


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Sticking with the theme for the month which has been about chasing Bass, I decided that I would try somewhere new and target some bigger Bass. After scoping out some places on Google and some tips from a mate I decided to head north and was on the road around 5:30am, the weather looked ominous with very dark clouds, not even the sunrise was really breaking through so I was concerned that it would be a wet and miserable day.

A short drive later I arrived but kinda got lost and ended up at a different spot, as I was setting up a local was nearby about to fish and told me to head up stream to some bigger pools of water.... I decided to take his advice and it payed big dividends.

1st cast with an EcoGear deep diver and within seconds I find myself in a battle with a fish, unfortunately about 10 seconds later it had busted me off and took my lure with him, not fussed with losing a $20 lure the adrenalin was pumping and got another lure back in the water, this time a Daiwa SC Shiner. Within a few casts I was on again and at first I had great control of the fish and I didn’t think it was that big until it got close to the surface... at this point the Bass freaked and it was on!! After a couple minute tussle and a close call with some rocks I had landed my PB Bass (A whisker off 45cm) needless to say I was very pleased with myself ïŠ especially as I had 5 pound braid and an 8 pound leader, the CI4 2500 did the trick I love this reel !!


Brag Matt Shot:


A couple quick happy snaps and he was off back swimming, After this the fishing just got better and better landing a total of 22 Bass at the water hole, the majority around 20cm to 30 cm including two over 40cm!!!

As the morning went on it got a bit crowded with other fisho’s but was still having heaps of luck, I thought I had hooked up another big Bass but then as it hit the surface I pulled in this Eel Tail Catfish, it put a decent fight so was fun to catch and was my first.


Jackal Chubby, another lure today that Bass & Cat Fish could NOT resist!


I also met another AFO’er “Dan32†today and he caught a couple nice Bass as well, as the rain picked up I decided to work some creeks on the way back scoring another few Bass as an added bonus.

Overall an absolute cracker, a PB with 2 Bass over 40cm, 1 Catfish and the most Bass (25) I have caught in a day!!!

Here are some other pics from the day !!

40cm Bass



Landscape Pics

Thanks for Reading


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Thats the way mate about time you stopped buying gear and got the line wet lol :P

Nice looking fish and enjoyed reading your post.

Well Done Manni ;)

HaHa thanks mate, yeah I have bought a bit a gear lately !! but have also been out last 3 weekends for Bass, first two were at lost world with the boys!! (We should go fort a fish after Easter)

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Thats the way mate about time you stopped buying gear and got the line wet lol :P

Nice looking fish and enjoyed reading your post.

Well Done Manni ;)

HaHa thanks mate, yeah I have bought a bit a gear lately !! but have also been out last 3 weekends for Bass, first two were at lost world with the boys!! (We should go fort a fish after Easter)

Im pleased that your happy with the C14 Reel i sold you, sound like your having alot of fun with it :)

Top work Mate well done ;)

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This Bass loved the camera, to think I layed him down next to the reel, pulled the line from the lure so it sat well and click (Photo Taken)!!! no flapping no jumping around until after the shot which nearly resulted in a trebble in my toe lol :dry:

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Good work Manni! You have really been getting stuck into the bass since your first! looks like a fantastic little spot, quite jealous! Congrats on the pb mate!

Thanks Jords, as a land based angler I've really enjoyed this style of fishing and targeting them specifcally is a great reward when you pull it off !!

Definitely going to do this more often..

Will need to get a Yak soon :woohoo:

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Yeah mate I wish I had found out spots like this 4 years ago! I'm only really getting into the bass regularly now, it is so much easier to access with a licence and a kayak!

I think it is definitely worth looking into a yak, if you just want it for skinny water like this you could easily get away with $300. And trust me, it is FAR more comfortable than bush bashing along the bank!

If you want something a little bigger to get out and about in the dams, then I guess you would be looking more around the 600 mark for something basic 2nd hand, with the longer distances of a dam I guess it just helps to have a bit of extra length! If you get one before the start of may you should look at getting a permit for NPD too! (Ray might be able to help me out here, are permits available after the round has started? I.E such that you only get 10 or 11 months etc. ?)

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Yeah mate I wish I had found out spots like this 4 years ago! I'm only really getting into the bass regularly now, it is so much easier to access with a licence and a kayak!

I think it is definitely worth looking into a yak, if you just want it for skinny water like this you could easily get away with $300. And trust me, it is FAR more comfortable than bush bashing along the bank!

If you want something a little bigger to get out and about in the dams, then I guess you would be looking more around the 600 mark for something basic 2nd hand, with the longer distances of a dam I guess it just helps to have a bit of extra length! If you get one before the start of may you should look at getting a permit for NPD too! (Ray might be able to help me out here, are permits available after the round has started? I.E such that you only get 10 or 11 months etc. ?)

Cool, will have to do some research i think, will wanna get out on the estuaries etc.. as well

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Nice pics manni nice to meet someone from afo:):) here's a pic of one of my better fish, thanks for taking it for me!

Great to meet you Dave, will have to get out there again !! Good solid Bass you caught too

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