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Brissy River Bream Sessions


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Hey all

A mate and i took the boat out the other day, first time out in it for a long time. B) we launched at cribb park in ippy, only 5 minutes away from my house which is pretty sweet, and we set off too kooka, which takes around 1 hour, going slow at times to avoid hitting rocks in the shallow parts of the bremer. We headed straight too a few spots at kooka park, and up around colleges in search of bream for the day. B)

We caught endless amount of cattys, trying to eventually pull a bream, from a spot that has been good over the past. we only managed 4 bream in total, all of em well over legal size, with the biggest goin 28.5cm to the tip.

Today, I headed out again too the same general areas but tried a few different spots. B)

Managed 4 bream again, managed a 29 to the tip, and a few 25's. Later on in the day, got a 33.5cm talipia which really pulled hard, and thought it was a good bream at first. B)

my 28.5


Release of little fella


mates bream




The ride home, was something I don't wanna do again, going straight into the wind, with rain pelting straight at us for over an hour. :angry:



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Or if they live in raby bay, pikeeeltitus...

seriously, I think its just bite wounds they get when predators have a go at them. I have caught a few where they have bits missing out of their backs, especially the small ones.

nice sesh too mate...

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