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Yep I still hate Tuna, now with shark vid


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Met up this morning at Cleveland with Flash1980, Kreel and Tacklebox and headed onto the 6.00am barge to Straddie with high hopes of some good fishing to come.


The rigs, Team ProFish vs Team Hobie Revo

Upon arrival Team Profish was quick to hit the water and I was onto two small GT's before Team Hobie could even wheel there contraptions into the water. Flash1980 (Gordo had shot round the corner in hope of a tussle with a Cod but it appears no one was home. Team Hobie struggled there way to the waters edge to join the onslaught and Kreel was soon onto a few GT's as well. Team Profish only hung around for a short while and scored a good variety of Trevs being GT's, Goldens , Cale Cale and I managed some weird ass Toad fish as well.


Weird ass toad fish


Team Profish member Flash1980 with a PB Cale Cale

After a frantic session on the small Trevs Team ProFish headed out for open waters to chase the bigfish leaving Team Hobie floundering in there wake. I'm unsure as to Team Hobies results for the rest of the day but i'll leave it up to them to add what they caught to the post.

Now on to Team Profish's adventure, below is a map of travel for the day (note, only a rough idea of path taken not actual path)


Isn't chasing Tuna fun

We managed to find plenty of Tuna and got quiet a few casts in amongst them but alas Gordo was the only one to spark any interest from them hooking one then promptly loosing about it 10sec afterwards which sucked but that's Tuna fishing and he did better than me as I didn't hook any.

There was heaps of bait out there and one area that was rippling on the surface erupted with fish going bananas, didn't know what they were but threw in some casts and of all things it was a school of small sharks of some sort. In amongst the sharks we caught Tailor, Pike, Grinners and Flash1980 managed a school Mackeral as well. I was filming one of his sharks and caught some of the action with one shark doing flips a few feet in the air, if I can figure it out I'll put it up but dont hold your breath for it.


Gordo's Mac


Gordo's Shark


Screen grab from vid of flying shark


Overall it was a good day out and sure beats sitting around at home, Tuna are a hard fish to catch at times sometimes it all falls into place and some days you gotta work hard for em, but i'll be back out there sometime soon flying the flag for Team ProFish.



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Looks Like a great day on the water even if you didn't catch the dreded tuna. I have a boat and get sick of chasing them just to have them disapear well befor you get close enough to get a cast in so I would hate to be chasing them in a Yak but i am a bit lazy !! :P

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nice one mate, if you upload the vid to you tube you can then just copy and paste the link back in to a post here on AFO and it will embed the video for viewing.

Would love to see it, that screen clip of the shark jumping looks Siiiick !!!!

there may be a simpler way but that's how do it and it doesn't take long

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nice one mate, if you upload the vid to you tube you can then just copy and paste the link back in to a post here on AFO and it will embed the video for viewing.

Would love to see it, that screen clip of the shark jumping looks Siiiick !!!!

there may be a simpler way but that's how do it and it doesn't take long

I'm a bit lazy that's the only issue, that and I use Ubuntu not windows so i'll have to dig up some converter to shrink it a bit. I'll have a look tomorrow and see what I can do.



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