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zimman searches new waters

Zim man

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after speaking to angus yesterday and asking a few questions on the forum, i decided to try somewhere different from the mighty coomera and broaden my horizons.

the plan was to take advantage of the calm weather and overcast conditions and hit the brissi mouth and mud for a snapper tailor session with the odd tuna.

that was the plan. reality was rain,and a few wind gusts which made me wary of heading too far out in the tinny.

launched at sunrise and headed out, was more choppy than expected with quite a few floating logs around. Got to dodge the wake of an incoming ship. Again a first for me and something i would prefer to avoid. My tinn y is well underpowered in my opinion but thats another matter.

decided to ditch the mud and tuna part of the plan and focus on the rock wall.

using some inside info, we started fishing. I was fishing with a mates old man who is on holiday here at the moment. 3rd cast in and his 4.5 inch monster miki is slammed my an early forties snapper. sweet stuff, i was next on with a tailor on a D pop. Then i dropped another 2 on a d pop, they were not very committed to surface lures for some reason.

then Norman hits another snapper, just under sized, i picked another tailor. Then he got a bream on the miki and a tailor on one of the lexus hardbodies i was clearing out. The bream hit the 4.5 inch miki and swallowed it, pretty keen dudes out there. then at 7-7:30 it got colder and the rain picked up and the fish just switched off.

norm got another just legal snapper and i got a bream and an cod (first for me, never got one in 18 months of comera fishing) on an armor shad in skin blue colour. By 9:30, i lost feeling in my hands and the teeth chattering were killing my jaw (had all wisom teeth pulled out last week), so we packed it up and headed back.

roughly 9-10 fish in total and a few missed ones. it was entertaining, just the cold was unbearable after a while. was not expecting the temps to drop the way they did.

here are a few pics that we took. not too many coz of the rain and norm has no totem for taking pics when we should be fishing.







Oh and as well started to drive back to the ramp he pulls out a banana. i kept quite but i am pinnng the fish turn off on that and the cold front.

thanks for reading

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Zim man's Damiki fishing charters does it again!

Nice session there rob! Great work in braving the conditions and a good species mix!

Those little cod seem to love that armour shad in skin blue colour, have had them engulfed in the past as they get lower in the water column.

Nice work mate :)

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Sorry just had to laugh hahhahaha.. Least you got onto a few Rob! Any birdee activity or quiet?

no bird activity at all and i was searching all round quite often. thanks to gus for the advice on sunday evening gave me a bit of confidence to hit the area.

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How did the water look at the mouth, is it clearing up after the floods? Another Q, did use keep a feed, if so how do you feel? I want to know because I am itching to get out and do a river session but haven't herd or read any current river conditions reports. It definitely looks like the fish are active :)

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How did the water look at the mouth, is it clearing up after the floods? Another Q, did use keep a feed, if so how do you feel? I want to know because I am itching to get out and do a river session but haven't herd or read any current river conditions reports. It definitely looks like the fish are active :)

Took me a while to realise you meant physically, as in if teh flood pollution was having any sort of an effect, for a while I thought you were asking how he felt morally for keeping a feed :huh: .

Nice stuff mate, the miki's certainly do seem to be killing it at the mouth!

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How did the water look at the mouth, is it clearing up after the floods? Another Q, did use keep a feed, if so how do you feel? I want to know because I am itching to get out and do a river session but haven't herd or read any current river conditions reports. It definitely looks like the fish are active :)

never having fished the mouth before i dont know if it has cleared up or not, plus it was overcast so i could not check the visibility to well. We could see the snapper quite a way down and i saw nothing to raise concerns with me.

kept two fish and the fillets looked good. am eating them tonight to stay tuned for part two of yor queries

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If you could see the snaps deep then it sounds like it has cleared heaps :woohoo: . Just before the rains hit the river was at its cleanest in years, at the mouth it was very clear.

Mate I kept a feed from Sunday and going strong :)

The front rock wall is a bit different than in the river though (although I reckon the river looks tip top at the moment).

If you are willing to keep a feed from mud I cant see why the front rock wall would be any different.

More on the river however (sorry to go slightly off topic) I was wading at Pinkenba Ramp the other day fishing for flatties and the water was crystal clear on a medium tide. Not saying that means diddly squat for toxicity but just an observation.


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hey Rob - I am no expert but am wanting to get out and try hard on SPs. I have a fair amount of confidence now in the bay. Maybe when the moon and stars align we can hit up the bay and give it a fair go. Maybe in a month?

sounds good mate, i will pm you and we can make a plan

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nice one Rob. Mate the skin blue colour is a gun at the front wall. Not that we even changed lures. I tied on the tukun and got a few strikes but they weren't that keen on surface the day we went out.

The front of the wall is not the cleanest I have seen it, but it doesn't show indications of a major flood. Just maybe post rains and heavy weather. you could see maybe 2m-3m under you wearing polarised sunnies.

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