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Damiki Does The Damage!!


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Morning all,

Am working at sanctuary cove boat show all weekend so decided to finish up early on Thursday and go for a fish around the high tide up at Redcliffe near where I live. Finished up work at about 9.30am all ready had the gear in the car so straight over Scarborough way and found a quiet spot with no one around that has produced some good lizards for me before. Decided to finally give the Damiki Armor Shads a try that Zinn Man hooked me up with on here a few weeks back, so spent about 15 mins talking to an old gentlemen who was there having smoko at the time and sure enough he was a keen fisho aswell and was interested in how the hell us young fellas can catch fish with a bit of plastic. Offered to show him how i "try" and catch fish with them and he was happy to come watch for a while. Said he had to make a quick phone call so i headed over and started casting.

Not paying too much attention first cast hit the water, 5-10secs later hit the bottom, wind, wind, lift, TAP! though I was imagining things..... lifted rod tip... zzzzzzzzz man what a cracker of a start! After a quite a spirited fight and a few good runs up comes a 54cm dusky first cast! Threw him in the shoulder bag and sent the same shad back out. This time on the Second drop... TAP! What the hell.... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz couldn't believe my luck! 53cm dusky! decided to go up and re-tie my leader as the 8lb fluro had coped a bit of a flogging so before the elderly gentlemen could finish his phone call I walked up with 2 50cm+ flatties! should of seen the grin on my face! :woohoo: :woohoo:

Retied and headed back down this time with my spectator eager to see me actually catch these fish... and sure enough not 3rd cast but just as he had given up and about to head back to the car got smashed again this time on the roll and took off like a rocket! Really thought it was a monster the way he was running but just ended up he didn't like the idea of being dinner! This one went 55cm.

Things got a bit quiet towards the top of the tide and my brother came down to join me after hearing of my good fortune and we continued without much luck until the start of the runout when my brother hooked up to a good one and landed his pb 53cm I think it was dusky. Soon after i was on again and reeled in a 48cm Yellow Tail Flatty which is the biggest yellow tail i have caught. Continued fishing for another hour and a half only managing to land 1 more dusky who went 39cm so he went back to fight again another day but all up what a ripper of a morning!

Can well and truly say I am impressed with the Damiki Armor shads and will be buying some more! Here are the photos!







A Huge thanks to Zinn Man again for his generosity First 2 casts with the Damikis and 2 awesome fish!


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