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Walrus Clan - Day 2


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Hit the water a little later today. Got across to Spot X to be greeted by a smiling Dazza, Andrea and Ryan. The WBB brigade was hammering everything that moved as they where anchored up to the pylons. We threw out our special mixture and it was not long before the Goldies where out to play again. Ryan was showing Dazza how to fish again for a while and then Dazza hit his straps landing Goldy after goldy. It was a bit of a hard start for me today as I was spent busy for the first 2 to 3 hours either untanging lines or rerigging. :( I was starting to get very frustrted and I guess I should take it all in my stride but it did get the better of me. I eventuay had to say to the boys that the next time you get tangled I was gong to fish until I got a fish. This was a little trickier than I anticipated with the Penut Gallery (Tomca) cheering my missfortunes from the Jetty. To rub more slat into the wounds Dazza generously picked up one of the kids off the jetty to allow him to catch a fish and he was on first cast. :angry:

It was not long after that and I was onto a fish. Happy now :woohoo: :whistle: I sat down to re-rig the boys rods. Oh I forgot to mention that Declan scored his first Goldy measuring a healthy 56cm. We continued on for another 30 mins and Jacob hooks up to a good fish on my Envy and the fight was on. Luckily this one went for the clear waters as Declan had been bricked 6 times before. I motored the boat out past the pylons and Jacob had a lengthy fight to boat his first and a good 67cm. Not bad for a little bloke, a 1-3kg rod and 6lb line.

Other important things to mention is Andrea boating two nice goldies and showing her dad up with a solid 73cm Goldy.




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that sounds like yet another great day on the water... im sure u will bag the golden trev category. The little fellers look like they are loving it.. Man i wish i got onto some of them when i was a young fella. U guys defiantly know where they are hiding.

There must be something wrong with the golden trevs and some of the other fish in the bay atm, not that i have caught many recently but maybe the dirty flood water has affected their tails or has deformed their spines or something. All the piccs of them on brag matts look like one tail tip seams to have come parallel with the fish and the other tip about 90 degreese from that tip. I hope the fish are all ok in the bay :blink:

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Good to see you getting a few and watch out those kids will out fish ya in the end Ted

They already are Mark. They have better PBs than I have.

Thanks guys it was a great weekend.

I went out with Keen-as-fisho today but the goldies had moved on. It was a tough day at the office. I am still to get a squire over 34cm this week :(

Yeah the kids have not stopped talking about it. The problem is that they have hi expectations now. They get bored with average fish.

windy for the rest of the week so it will be limited opportunities to catch fish.

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