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Why do you do it? (fishing lol)


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Sitting in the car waiting for friends to turn up so I can head south into the canals for a fish; climate control maxxed at 30degrees and I must admit it's feeling good, that is until I'll have to get out later.

Anyway, I fish because as much as you'd love to think it your never guaranteed a fish (Tugger and a few others are just freaks with too much knowledge not to put something into the esky)... I risk my sleep (those that really know me know how limited that is) so that I can walk around throwing hardbodies n plastics into the meanest structure and try not to lose it. Wow completely forgot the direction I wanted to take this in and the little chatbox is blocking the right hand side so I'll end with:

I do it for that surface smash, that ball tearing run after you pause that lure next to the jetty, when you think you've lost another jighead but it shoots off at a rate of knots and lastly.. When that reel screams, just can't beat it.

Hope some of that made sense if not I'll edit later, have a goo day everyone ^_^

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It's the thrill of the chase or hunt. Getting a bait or a lure smashed with crazy runs and the anticipation of seeing some first colour to see what you've got on the end of the line !!

Angus & Henry can tell you how excited I get when I'm onto a fish lol

And who doesn't love the sound of a screaming reel with the drag tightened up :woohoo:

I love going out with mates, having a laugh and the fish always tastes nicer when you have caught it yourself.. I have baggy eyes, yawn all day probably having micro naps at work because of late night fishing trips or pre dawn sessions but it's all too much fun !!

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most of my mates say its ot get out of the house away from the MISSES ( WIFE ) nag nag nag nag nag......... hehehehehe :silly: :silly: :silly: :lol::lol::lol:

but for me, its all about sitting their on the boat or bank with the misses or mates enjoying the serenity and speaking utter #### ( poop )

but it all depends on what sort of fishing i am doing, like when it comes to sharking its all about hooking and landing that gear testing, ball breaking, back breaking, line whistling, power of the shark, with its first screaming run and then its deep dive with its head down in the current.... the utter power of these fish is awsom, and if you no me, when i am talking sharks, i get excited........( dammmm it, hurry up warm weather )

i love putting man and tackle to the test..... like i say




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Great thread topic mate.

Like many on here i could go on for ages about why i fish, and I often do much to the dislike of people within earshot. But a quote that definitely ticks some of the boxes for me is:

"The charm of fishing is that it is the pursuit of that which is elusive but attainable, a perpetual series of occasions for hope"

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there is so many reason to go fishing /have a fish .

sometimes it to get a fresh feed of fish ,nothing better .that's my serious side of fishing .

sometimes its semi serious ,i just like to be on the water chilling out soaking a bait ,flick a few hb's or sp's if i feel energetic.

sometimes it just chillin out ,having a beer and a chat while soaking some bait .don't care if we catch fish ,just there for a relaxing time .

then u have bass fishing ,we are not there for a feed or to have a beer /chat and chill out .we are there for the thrill of catching bass on hardbodies ,sometimes big bass too .the drag scream as u try to keep them big ones out of the snags and get them to the bank .oh how luv bass fishing in rivers and creeks .

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Some mornings I honestly don't know why :silly:

Nothing beats watching the sun come up over the water, The night before anticipation, The thrill of the hunt, The fresh air.

Far out I love it and it's just a great feeling nailing that PB or some new spiecies or just spending the day talking crap with good mates forgeting the world.

"Why do you do it?" Because I love it :woohoo:


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Like a lot of my mates when I was a young fella, we hd pretty crappy home lives so we went down the local spots and fished everytime we could! Oftn til late at night, early mornings, wagging school, outfishing the old blokes on the rock walls for black fish, breaking into the power station water ponds to get unbeatable greenweed for bait. Its a passion thats continued for most of us, one of those guys working s a barra guide in FNQ now, theres alot of freedom in being able to go sit by yourself on or near the water and try your tactics angainst our fishy friends :cheer:

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Like a lot of my mates when I was a young fella, we hd pretty crappy home lives so we went down the local spots and fished everytime we could! Oftn til late at night, early mornings, wagging school, outfishing the old blokes on the rock walls for black fish, breaking into the power station water ponds to get unbeatable greenweed for bait. Its a passion thats continued for most of us, one of those guys working s a barra guide in FNQ now, theres alot of freedom in being able to go sit by yourself on or near the water and try your tactics angainst our fishy friends :cheer:

perfectly said man...this is exactly the same as my childhood. fishing was, and is always an escape from the norm. and seeing things happen on the urangan pier as a kid just had me addicted. it was the only place i could go and stay all weekend without supervision. nearly all my fishing since has been using gear to emulate my hero's of the time (local pier rats)

as i've grown, fishings been an excuse to explore many new places

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As like a lot of people it's the hunt(prime evil thing) chasing fish,finding some of the most beautful place's on the planet,but now for me it's watching my daughters catch a fish of a life time and seeing how much enjoyment it bring's to them and to the old man nothing better. :):):)

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I like to wet a line because of the thrill of whats on the end of your line, I love the chase/hunt of catching fish and where it will take you. Its a great sport to chill out to and escape the busy life style that some people lead :)



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I fish for the peace and quiet.I don't catch too many too often. It's good to let the mind wander without a care and sometimes you get lucky enough to be snapped back to reality by the reels screaming. Have a stressful sort of job and other than a nice bourbon, I find it a great way to unwind and enjoy what nature has to offer.

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For me it just gets me outdoors and recharges my batteries. I love how I can have such a peace with the world while I'm just waiting for a fish to come along and then have that peace shattered when I hook on. Really I think I go a little bit silly inside when bringing a fish in. I love it.

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