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A day of Ups and Downs 19.5


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Jarred and Runty joined me this morning at the Viccy point ramp. Plan was made to hit a few of my go to spots and fit Dunwich in there as well. First up we hit Macleay Island where we had a triple hook up on squire on the very first cast, Jarreds fish made the measure and he was stoked.


We had several double and triple hook ups for the morning but not many quality fish were caught. Runty started having problems with his donk and thats where the day went sour, we stuffed around on that thing for a few hours to get it going but the decision was made to drag him back to Coochie where he would chase Bream with the leccy motor while Jarred and I head across to Dunwich and Peel.


Dunwich didn't fire to well for us, Jarred caught a small Bream and we both caught tea leaf trevs around 45cm.


Heading back to Coochie we stopped at Macleay in search of a flatty, I managed a 52cm fish. Back at Coochie Runty was in the middle of a fight with a decent flatty, he sung out for a larger net so we headed over and passed the net and in went a decent flatty bang on 60cm, which brightened Runty up a bit.



Was another great day on the bay with good company, shame about runties donk (don't forget the new plugs young fella)

PS I got a PB whiting on the surface earlier in the day going 37cm, came on a popper on the pause surprisingly ( my pb plastic caught whiting is 42cm).


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well yes, that was a day and a half..

3:20am start for me, meet jarryd at mine at around 430 then off we went.

When we got to vicky pt, we got a text from den telling us he will be an hr.. all was good as we stocked up on maccas :evil:

was interesting as this is the first time ive ever had the motor play up, hopfully when i change the plugs she'll be good.

Thanks alot to Den and Jarryd for waiting around for afew hours helping me out, then giving me a tow to cochie..

wasnt soo bad as i eneded up with afew fish.. lots of longtom and pike to keep me keen. (lost to of my fav lures to the buggers! :( )

flattie at the end was awesome fun, a new PB for my biggest flattie on lightest gear.. got her on 2lb :D .. it was soo much fun in a 1m or so of water with some patchy reef and rocks.

one of the best flighting flatties ever, took me awhile to net it as as soon as the net hit the water it went off into blistering runs.. I was really enjoying the bend in the nordic when it was under the boat hahaha ;)

thanks alot agian, keen to see afew pics den ;)

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Sounded like an action packed day - those tea leaf trev's can go pretty hard, fun to catch :)

They go like the clappers once they know they are hooked. Both me an Den thought we had tiny bream or something until they realised. Then the line started to peel off and things got interesting! :lol: Especially cause we were in the ramp for the Car ferry when i had mine hooked and the ferry was on its way in, was a stressful few mins!!

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That sounds like a issue with the main board or foot pedal.

I would be looking inside the foot pedal for any signs of salt or corrosion and cleaning all the terminals and also doing the same on the main board before spending any money on it.

Once all the connections are clean if the problem still exists I would guess the main board is shot.

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