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Stradbroke, looking for hints n tips.


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Unfortunately as fate would play out, commitments have rained on the plans to attend the AFO Straddie event 20/22...

Not wanting to missout completely, we have scheduled a trip in the 4wd's for this weekend(13,14&15)

Any members willing to give some novice blokes some advice on targets and/or known hotspots to try over the weekend?

More then happy to report back and provide an update for the weekends following official line wetting. Noting our trip will be restricted to land based fishing and based from eastern side camping grounds.


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Hey Mate

I'm assuming landbased, Dunwich and One Mile can be good places to fish at night, especially for Trev's however it's been pretty slow over there at the moment.

Angus was there for a week and may be able to shed some more light fising from the beaches/rocks however I think it's been pretty tough there as well

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Hey I used to fish Stradbroke a lot 15 years ago land based.

Main areas I would focus on depending on your gear and weather conditions

1. Dunwich - Ferry Terminal - Trevaly at times there fish around the pylons and where the ferry comes in.

2. Amity - A long rock wall against the channel. There are quite a few access spots. I like to fish on the eastern end where the beach meets the rock wall. I have caught Tailor, trevaly, whiting, snapper, mackeral, and grassies there.

3. Rock points around Adder Rock and Cylinder beach can hold good whiting, dart and bream.

4. Point lookout rocks - can hold some good fishing on a westerly wind. Rock based tuna are possible there. can hold some good Dart fishing there as well.

5. Main beech - Usual beech fishing in gutters

6. Jumpinpin bar - Deep channel (60 feet) at the end of the beach. You see a lot of people fishing there when in the boat. I reckon it would hold good land based Tailor, Salmon, Jew and Flathead fishing there.

Good luck mate Ted



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Ted, Your Point 6 is a well known spot for jew at night.

If you are staying on the east side (which is what I thought you said until reading the replies) then your best shot for a good fish would be Ted's Point 6.

Apart from that just note the gutters as you drive down to the camp sites (assuming you're camping in behind the dunes)

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Spent one of the quietest fishing weeks over there ever in early June, and the locals were doing it tough as well. At least we have ahd some good cold weather since then so the tailor should be on the march.

Northerlies forecast before you get there so I would suggest going to main rather that flinders as it usually kicks up a bit of weed in those conditions. The westerlies will work in your favor from saturday on. If you see a decent gutter around campsite 13 (almost to the southern end) give it a go. Pillies or bonito strips for tailor, eugaries/pippies or beaach worms for dart. Bream in close on any of those baits are the third option. Maybe with the rain about a jewie is a rough hope.

Plenty of other options as has been pointed out.

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Thanks guys!

Grabbed a Panasonic Ft, weatherproof point and shoot camera today. So hopefully if I come accross some fish as amateur at feeding on hooks as I am at casting them, will have some pics and video to post.

NB. There is a good chance it could only be 'humour' footage yet!


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Thanks to all for the details, followed Ted, Jeffs and Waldo's advice and stuck to the eastern beach, southern end(camp 10 and further south).

A little gutter just north of camp 13 was producing well, awesome flatties, with two going 70cm+(both released live and well).. one was kind enough to provide a kodak moment, which i will try and post later with the take home catch. But mostly, taken back by the size/quality of the bream!! The boys managed a few over 40cm. I have attached a pic of one just on 40cm, they made a great entree fresh catch before dinner.

Beach worm, pillies and prawns did the damage. And the bite was more active in the sessions first up(430-5am).

All up, it was a good weekend, despite a minor amount of rain and wind. But to any traveling over in the coming few weeks by 4wd, be prepared to really let some air out the tyres. The beach has really copped it from the weather over the past few weeks, it is quite steep and has reduced driving room considerably on incoming tide. The cuttings to get to camps were like generating from new and most had 4-5m considerable drop off faces to contend with.





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Thanks to all for the details, followed Ted, Jeffs and Waldo's advice and stuck to the eastern beach, southern end(camp 10 and further south).

A little gutter just north of camp 13 was producing well, awesome flatties, with two going 70cm+(both released live and well).. one was kind enough to provide a kodak moment, which i will try and post later with the take home catch. But mostly, taken back by the size/quality of the bream!! The boys managed a few over 40cm. I have attached a pic of one just on 40cm, they made a great entree fresh catch before dinner.

Beach worm, pillies and prawns did the damage. And the bite was more active in the sessions first up(430-5am).

All up, it was a good weekend, despite a minor amount of rain and wind. But to any traveling over in the coming few weeks by 4wd, be prepared to really let some air out the tyres. The beach has really copped it from the weather over the past few weeks, it is quite steep and has reduced driving room considerably on incoming tide. The cuttings to get to camps were like generating from new and most had 4-5m considerable drop off faces to contend with.


Good to hear you got on to some fish mate, well done - love the pic of the car heading up the bank, did you guys get stuck at all?

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Cheers Manni.

Funny you should ask about getting stuck... The navara did get stuck just once, he then let his tyres down!!! But still didnt hear the end of it for the rest of the weekend. It sand was still very powdery, which we hadnt expected after the rain. Ended up dropping tyres to about 15psi. Climbing some of the cuttings was a little tricky at times with the massive washouts and shear face of the sandwall needing mostly two attempts, the first car over then paved the way for the remaining convoy.

Was a really good weekend and was pleasantly suprised with the quantity and quality of fish caught. I never seen some the big flathead before, they had heads the size of an average shovel. We didnt crack onto much in the way of tailor, with only 2 being caught towards the northern end by point lookout end. Was plenty of pippies too on the northern end, but not so much on the southern side.

Off topic- we got on the barge to come home and there were two blokes having a ball flicking plastics near the jettys and pylons, wish we had more time.

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When I saw the first picture I was going to say, tell your mate in the Navara to let his tyres down. Looks like you had a good weekend, having to drive up shear drops and snatching our your mate who was too lazy to air down is what a boys weekend is all about.

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Shame about the beaches they were looking as good as I have seen them in years, but saw the heavy swells we got a few weeks back and knew there had to be damage again :(

Good job getting onto some nice fish. Fresh off the beach the fish just taste soooooo much better. Thanks for getting back to us with a good report :) and glad you had a top weekend.

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