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What do you think about these shark fishing rules?


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Apparently Adelaide has introduced shark fishing rules banning people from fishing for sharks during the day. Here is a news article about a shark being caught and speculating if th elaw was broken or not.


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The sharks will be there if you fish for them or not. I'm guessing the rule is more for a tourism thing, no tourist would want to see a 2m shark pulled up beside where they are fishing. If an uproar occurs council would be forced to put up more nets/devices to deter sharks meaning more money from them hence the laws and looking the other way.

The newspaper says the law is banning shark fishing from metropolitan beaches and jettie and the restrictions include a ban on the use of wire traces and large fishing hooks between 5am and 9pm. That may not be that unreasonable if fishable beachs aren't that far away. Atleast there are times you can fish the metro beaches at night.

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we covered this issue back in feb or maybe march when the law was introduced.

i think it’s a lame rule.

one of the comments made by a government/poli/council rep was. Shark fisherman are burling up the shark to attract them.... pfffft. What about all the salmon/ tailor/ bream surf fisherman that burly. And hook size, trace size bla bla bla, its all just excuses to try and keep us from spoiling the supposable tourism there.

They are going to be their whether we fish for them or not.

The paper said..... 2m-long bronze whaler about 8pm on Tuesday as people swam nearby.

What the hell are you doing swimming at dust or after dark anyway.

The way i see it, if you don’t like hearing the truth or knowing the truth about sharks in our waters, dont go in the water. Would you casually walk through the African savanna thinking everything is peachy

ramble ramble ramble :angry:

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Kurt is right, I'm certain this was also covered earlier in the year.

I don't think the law is right as it is unlikely to achieve anything. A few people putting a handful of baits out on random nights is not going to bring in sharks, IMO. Feeding them on the other hand - frequently putting large amounts of food out at the same location - eg the same effect the whaling stations had and also dolphin feeding, fish feeding etc, would draw them.

Regardless, I don't think it is necessarily wise to fish on busy metropoliton beaches. It is one of the quickest ways to get shark fishing banned.

Edit: Just a food for thought. Instead of banning the act of fishing for them - should chumming be banned instead? Afterall, this is typically used to bring fish in to the angler.

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I agree Terry, fishing on busy metro beaches isn't the best idea. People are generally pretty ignorant when it comes to shark fishing. People hear the work shark and head for the hills let alone have one pulled up on their beach.

Shark fishing on populated beaches will only cause panic, and this will lead to a ban. So if anyone wants to keep on fishing for big sharks they need to be smart about it.

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The paper said..... 2m-long bronze whaler about 8pm on Tuesday as people swam nearby.

What the hell are you doing swimming at dust or after dark anyway.

I think with their archaic daylight savings rules, the curtains are still being faded by the afternoon sun until about 9-10pm that far south.

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The paper said..... 2m-long bronze whaler about 8pm on Tuesday as people swam nearby.

What the hell are you doing swimming at dust or after dark anyway.

I think with their archaic daylight savings rules, the curtains are still being faded by the afternoon sun until about 9-10pm that far south.

Yeah, it is still light at that time of night but if you're swimming off a beach any time close to dusk you're just asking for a shark to come and have a nibble.

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The paper said..... 2m-long bronze whaler about 8pm on Tuesday as people swam nearby.

What the hell are you doing swimming at dust or after dark anyway.

I think with their archaic daylight savings rules, the curtains are still being faded by the afternoon sun until about 9-10pm that far south.


Sunset 7:45pm atm. It'd be right on dusk if its 8pm.

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The paper said..... 2m-long bronze whaler about 8pm on Tuesday as people swam nearby.

What the hell are you doing swimming at dust or after dark anyway.

I think with their archaic daylight savings rules, the curtains are still being faded by the afternoon sun until about 9-10pm that far south.


Sunset 7:45pm atm. It'd be right on dusk if its 8pm.

yeh bugga that

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I will happily swim during the day when the waters are clear at my fishing locations...

Once I start getting further than knee deep in the dark I start getting a bit edgy :P especially after seeing a big shark pick up a bait 10 minutes after it was walked out to waist deep!

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I will happily swim during the day when the waters are clear at my fishing locations...

Once I start getting further than knee deep in the dark I start getting a bit edgy :P especially after seeing a big shark pick up a bait 10 minutes after it was walked out to waist deep!

or your on your 3rd walk out for the baits and they have the spoty on you and next thing you go dark ( besides you head torch ) and you look back and you see the torch going up and town due to them running to the reel cause a rell is going off,

arr good times :silly: :sick:

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lets ban that swimming activity so no one can be bitten by a shark. lol just kidding but people who swim area at risk. plus like already stated sharks are there weather fished for or not and if someone has a problem with getting chomped then they shouldn't be in the water period. screw the ban we shouldn't be effected after all us anglers are on the beach not in the water.

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I will happily swim during the day when the waters are clear at my fishing locations...

Once I start getting further than knee deep in the dark I start getting a bit edgy :P especially after seeing a big shark pick up a bait 10 minutes after it was walked out to waist deep!

or your on your 3rd walk out for the baits and they have the spoty on you and next thing you go dark ( besides you head torch ) and you look back and you see the torch going up and town due to them running to the reel cause a rell is going off,

arr good times :silly: :sick:


Hard to notice that problem when you have the sun strapped on top of your head! (Check out the H-14 head lamp from Lenser...)

Always get a strike at the most inconvenient time.

Like when you're in the middle of getting out of those wet clothes and only have your birthday suit on...

And then you get all smart and try and 1-up the sharks and think to yourself "okay, don't do anything just yet - don't cook dinner, dont get changed as the sharks will strike"

Or like the time (despite following the point above) I just finished a sausage (cooked up a sausage sizzle), with another 2 sitting in my lap...

Or perhaps another time when I'd just finished cooking steak and veg and was just about to dish up...

Or another time... when I saw a large ray bait get washed into shore as a result of a small pup cutting the sandbag line (without hooking itself)... 5 minutes after we deflated the zodiac to start packing it up...

Yep, those sharks know all the best times to strike :evil:

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