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Stanthorpe Cod trip!


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We headed out for a few days of cod fishing up at Stanthorpe to try and catch my first ever cod. The first day we arrived it was 38C and the fish just weren't biting. We picked up a few D & S lures on the way there from Matt (Bommie) and Big Al. The lures looked fantastic and just looked fishy! At times when I was hungry I was tempted to have a bite :blush: :lol:


Day 2: We got up nice and early and hit one of the rivers to try and tempt a murray cod with some of the lures. After a bit of walking and wading we got to a likely looking spot to fish, where I saw a 70cm+ cod sunning himself and playing in the water thrashing his tail around. I was getting pretty excited by seeing this and just as I was going to throw in a lure Dad pulled in a very healthy 47cm cod on a purple D & S lure :woohoo: :woohoo:


I had to have a picture with it too :lol:




After that it went pretty slow so I changed to a kokoda lure with an annoying rattle and on my second cast at an over hanging willow tree the water exploded and I pulled in a 65cm monster!!!!!!!!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:



All of the fish were released safely.


2 casts after that cod I did another cast in the same spot and 2 winds in and BOOM another cod is on!!!! This one measured in at 59cm and I was very happy!!!! He put up a much better fight than the fat log :silly: that I reeled in 2 casts earlier :lol:


They were both pulled from this over hanging willow tree


That was the end of that lure :pinch:


After that Bethany got a 45cm not so healthy yella on again, the purple D & S lure!



A few dud casts later I'm in the water retrieving Dad's lure that he cast straight over the river :pinch: :silly: :silly: :silly: :silly:


Then Mum got one in the tree :pinch: :pinch: NOOOO :lol::lol:


In the whole trip we didn't lose a single lure because the D & S ones were way too good to lose. On my trip into the water I spotted a baby platypus having a dip and then a..... red belly black snake :ohmy: :ohmy:


On the way home we stopped at Moogerah for a bit of a fish where Dad picked up 2 little bass and I got a tandan. The people next to us fishing said that the other day the got a decent yella which got us excited :woohoo:



This fella wanted some lunch too :unsure:


Our dog val enjoying the rest at the river.


Thanks so much Tomca for all the tips on spots as well as tacklebox. Also those lures were amazing thanks Matt, I'll definitely be using them for the bass! Anyone thinking of chasing cod I would definitely recommend getting a few D & S lures. The total fish caught was Me: 2 cod on lures, 65cm and 59cm, Bethany: 2 cod and a yella, 58cm, 50cm, and 45cm on lures, Dad: 1 cod, 50cm on lures as well as a few bass, and Mum: 1 turtle on a lure :lol: It was a fantastic trip that wouldn't have been as good without the help from a few very helpful members.


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nice little unfinished report, congrats on the fish, good to see father and son getting out for a fish. by the way did your dad get a photo with your cod? looking forward for the rest of the report


(now that the whole report is up, nice fishing trip for the family... well done guys, looks like a trip you won't forget for a while)

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Great report and photos as usual James,

I think they are good enough to be pulbished in a magazine. Surely someone from the fishing ferternity will snap you up soon. I'm envious that everyone in your family enjoys fishing, bit easier to get away for a flick. ;) You are all guns by the look of it.

Just a small bit of advice, in my experience using those type of snap swivels may cost you a fish of a lifetime. I have seen and heard of them failing when the 1m plus cod demolish them. It's not a critisism, but the extra time to either tie each lure on is well worth it, or use some good quality stainless snaps (no swivel and a different design). Next time we meet I've got some goods ones that have not let me down yet you can have. Everyone has their own preference and mine is to tie lures on and re-tie a new leader when it gets to short.

I hope to get my boat sorted soon and head that way for a cod fix.

Congrats on you achieving your goal.

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Great report and photos as usual James,

I think they are good enough to be pulbished in a magazine. Surely someone from the fishing ferternity will snap you up soon. I'm envious that everyone in your family enjoys fishing, bit easier to get away for a flick. ;) You are all guns by the look of it.

Just a small bit of advice, in my experience using those type of snap swivels may cost you a fish of a lifetime. I have seen and heard of them failing when the 1m plus cod demolish them. It's not a critisism, but the extra time to either tie each lure on is well worth it, or use some good quality stainless snaps (no swivel and a different design). Next time we meet I've got some goods ones that have not let me down yet you can have. Everyone has their own preference and mine is to tie lures on and re-tie a new leader when it gets to short.

I hope to get my boat sorted soon and head that way for a cod fix.

Congrats on you achieving your goal.

Thanks Wayne, I will definitely tie the line to the lure next time. I would hate to lose a 1m+ cod.


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WOOHOO !! nice work young bloke, great report and some very cool photos. Just a little tip if I may, you obviously have a real interest in these fish. To keep damage to the fish to a minimum you may want to look at crushing the barbs on your lures.

Thanks for the tip. I just had to catch one and land one first! I'll crush the barbs next time.


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Hi James,

Recieving some pointers from memebers is only one part of the equation. Listening, learning and doing is the other and your enthusiaum is a big factor. Your skill as an angler by reading the water, casting to the correct spot, using the correct depth lure/color and the speed of the retreive along with good knots/preparation and rod work work means you caught those fantastic fish. :cheer:

We are all continuing to learn about our common passion and the experience you are gaining rapidly will put in the top percentage of fishers in the near future. And yes you had some help but is was you that did it, don't under sell yourself.

Keep them coming.



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