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Registered Competitors 2013 MBC - CHECK YOUR NAME


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Registered Competitors 2013 MBC. Please check your name against those below.

(unfortunately it seems again that our registration system has been flaky and has not successfully saved registrations. Our apologies, we will ensure we change for our next tournament.)


[li]Craig Schafer[/li]

[li]Rebecca James[/li]

[li]Ben Evans[/li]

[li]Andrew Phillips[/li]

[li]Thomas Lazlo[/li]

[li]Lindsay Shorten[/li]

[li]Brad Mackie[/li]

[li]Scott James[/li]

[li]Danny van der Walle[/li]

[li]raechel frankling[/li]

[li]jon new[/li]

[li]Jeffrey flynn[/li]

[li]Darren Harvey[/li]

[li]Iain "ezy" McKnight[/li]

[li]Robert Searing[/li]

[li]Chris Cornell[/li]

[li]Ian Goebel[/li]

[li]Matt Ascough[/li]

[li]Ray kennedy[/li]

[li]Brian Ellis[/li]

[li]Andrew McCormack[/li]

[li]kris sweres[/li]

[li]collin mott[/li]

[li]stephen Andrews[/li]

[li]Steve Hawthorne[/li]

[li]Sam Steele[/li]

[li]Jacob Stevens[/li]

[li]Declan Stevens[/li]

[li]Ted Stevens[/li]

[li]Bill Patterson[/li]


We have payment from these people but unfortunately our system has no records.

When you report to Event HQ before commencing fishing we will just get you to refill out your details. Our apologies again.

sarah chin resolved

matt dubbeldge

jeremy heidemann resolved

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I knew i paid twice.

Sarah chin is my gfs pay pal account.

Il come in tomorrow morning to provide details.


ok shane. please just provide details at event HQ.

And we will of course refund the double up :)

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