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First season Bass


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With the wife and kids out for a few hours I quickly grabbed the yak and headed to a local river for my first bass fish of the season.

I started with some surface lures but no interest and then I got a tangle in the braid and had to retie and decided to lighten the leader to 4lb. Tied on a little suspending greedy guts lure and quickly got a bite from a small bass to get the adrenaline flowing.

they didn't seem that switched on so I did long pauses to keep in front of their faces. it seem to work with the next fish being a complete surprise a small mullet. A new PB on lure since the only one I've ever caught on a lure.

squeezed a few more casts in before having to head home and scored a nice 30cm bass to finish a short session.

I went and picked up the family happy as Larry.





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No Brian, it was not a great fight and I certainly knew it wasn't a bass. But individual fish of the same species can vary in the fights from one day to the next.


No guts no glory, or more money than sense, don't know which one is applicable but I didn't want another doughnut after the tuna trip produced zero. :S

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