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Rabids`s & Co Oppose Carp Bowfishing Trial


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THE decision to run a bowfishing trial on noxious carp in NSW has sparked outrage amongst environmentalists, activists and politicians according to a report from Sport Shooting magazine.


Details here: http://sportingshooter.com.au/latest/environmentalists-oppose-carp-bowfishing-trial


Certain groups have voiced their opposition to the trial and sent submissions to government in response to the trial, citing that native and endangered species such as the platypus could end up as “collateral damage”.

Ecologists Dr Tom Grant from the University of NSW and Professor David Goldney from Charles Sturt University have raised concerns about bowfishers being able to distinguish carp from other native wildlife.

They are concerned that wildlife such as the platypus, the native water rat, the water dragon, turtles and birds may be misidentified and shot.

"There are a lot of native species that could end up as 'by-catch' or 'collateral damage'," Dr Grant said. And, it was unlikely that hunter/fishers would report accidental kills, he said.

More info on the bowfishing trial, including application forms: http://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/hunting/bowfishing-for-carp

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