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My new toy

toxic avenger

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Fathers day is fast approaching which means that I get to choose myself a new rod and reel :) . With a trip to Fraser fast approaching at the end of September I thought it time to get myself a decent outfit to spin the surf with. Down to Tackleworld at Sandgate and lots of advice from Gordon finally had me settled on something that didn't break the budget but would suit what I wanted to do down to a tee. Primary puprose for the rod was high speed spinning for tailor in the surf with the occasional trip up to bribie chasing tuna of the sand also, so about 12 foot would be a good length to start with. It needed to be able to chuck slugs anywhere between 20 and 65 grams, but also have enough strength down low to control a decent fish if I actually catch one. I eventually settled on a wilson blank with a high reel mount in the ever relialbe MT4144. Matched this to a shimano TSS4 to get the speed up during retrieves but also because they are a damn tough reel that take a bit of punishment, which no doubt I will give it with sand and salt and irrregular maintenance. Spooled with 14pd fireline I'm ready to hit the beach and cast a slug half way to Vanuatu only to wind it back as fast as I can before I do it again. The other plus to the TSS4 is that if I can manage to get the missus to authorize one more purchase, maybe for my birthday or xmas, then I could interchange it onto a shorter rod around the 8.5 foot mark and it would be an awsome setup for chuching slugs at macks and tuna in the bay if I can con somebody into taking me out one day. Already checked out the best sticks for this and would more than likley be getting a live fibre.

Hopefully will get some fish to test the outfit whilst up at Fraser because the way work is at the moment I don't think that I will have a chance to get out beforehand, which is good in a way because it means I won't get into trouble again for using my fathers day pressie befroe the kids have given it to me :whistle:


Cheers Kev

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It is one of those black beasts that you can't kill, which is good for me cause I can kill anything. Shimano have stopped production of them now cause they don't sell anywhere else in the world except for Australia apparently. You can get them at good prices if you shop about at the moment.

Cheers Kev

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Stopped production - your bloody kidding. Are they fools?

But I suppose the reel are so good that you don't ever need to buy em again and they don't break so in this world of replaceable items they don't fit anymore!

Take a photo for history. They'll go down with HR Holdens and wooden tennis rackets.

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