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Making your own quality wire traces


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I have been making my own wire traces for sharking, and have had some bad experieneces with the bigger sharks. In that anything that puts on a decent run seems to pull out my own homemade traces. A few of these I have put down to a learning experience in that I have double crimped them but there has been a slight gap in between the 2 bits of wire. I'm assuming this is weaker than the wire being hard up against each other.

The better sharks that have been landed have actually been on pre-made ones from the shop ( 2 x 45cm long pre-mades to make a 90cm trace ).

Is it just that I have had a bit of a gap between the bits of wire or is there a secret to crimping? ( I have been using 40 kg crimps from Big W )

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Are you using crimping pliers? I go and buy better quality crimps than the ones that come in the \"force Ten\" packs, I dont like them all that much. (The wire is fine, the crimps might be too, but I since I bought proper crimping pliers, I prefer the slightly bigger aluminium crimps)

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reef_raider wrote:

i use penn crimps on multistrand wire and to crimp them up, ( a lot of people will dissagree with this) i use a hammer, it closes them tight as

I sometimes do the same thing jake, with the smaller crimps I even just use a pair of normal pliars. Works well for me, haven't broken yet, however, if you were fishing for anything slightly larger I would invest in a crimping tool.

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