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Right clicking


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Feral wrote:

Right click works fine for me in firefox, but I generally dont use it, I have the middle button set to open links in a new tab,and scroll, thats about all I use.

Just hit F3 for search bar to pop at the bottom.

Thanks for your replies guys, much appreciated. However, Feral, when I highlight a term and right-click on it, I can Google that term in the drop-down that appears. I think it might be a Firefox add-on, not sure. It's a great tool, especially for a site like this with new fish and new fishing spots I want to research.

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  • 6 months later...

Hi Guys,

Just joined and would like to check out what has gone before and the disabled right click thing is a major PITA. I much prefer to open new tabs from a topic and currently having to go back to the headings pages every time is very annoying. Cannot get Crayfishmates link to work. So what is the latest on the right click disabled thing?


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Izabarack wrote:

Hi Guys,

Just joined and would like to check out what has gone before and the disabled right click thing is a major PITA. I much prefer to open new tabs from a topic and currently having to go back to the headings pages every time is very annoying. Cannot get Crayfishmates link to work. So what is the latest on the right click disabled thing?



If you want to open a link into a new tab hold down ctrl when you click the link.

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Hi Jimmybob,

Do Macs not have the right click function at all? or is your comment confined to this site?

I guess I should be a little more clear about my issues with the usability of the site and the whole right click thingy. The drop down menu available on this site does not allow a link to opened in a new tab, hence, to browse threads requires reloading the titles pages every time you want to select a new thread. I sometimes only have access to a dialup connection and having to reload a titles page 20 times to read 20 different threads is not going to happen.


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werewolf wrote:

Iza - if you want to open in a new tab, hold the the "Shift" key and left click the link. Ta da a new tab will open.

One of the old gray beards on here pointed that one out to me a while agoB)

Eh Shift + Click opens a new WINDOW for me

CTRL + Click opens a new TAB for me

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Izabarack wrote:

Hi Jimmybob,

Do Macs not have the right click function at all? or is your comment confined to this site?


Macs have had right click for a number of years, but not all users are aware of it.

In saying that, the right click feature does not work on the AFO site, yet works on most other fishing forums. Good news though, if you hold down the COMMAND key (also called the APPLE key) and click on the link it will open in a new window/link (depending on your browser preference) - have tested this on Safari and Firefox and good on both! Holding down COMMAND and SHIFT together and clicking on a link opens a new Tab/Window and makes it the current window.


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marty wrote:

Izabarack wrote:
Hi Jimmybob,

Do Macs not have the right click function at all? or is your comment confined to this site?


Macs have had right click for a number of years, but not all users are aware of it.

In saying that, the right click feature does not work on the AFO site, yet works on most other fishing forums. Good news though, if you hold down the COMMAND key (also called the APPLE key) and click on the link it will open in a new window/link (depending on your browser preference) - have tested this on Safari and Firefox and good on both! Holding down COMMAND and SHIFT together and clicking on a link opens a new Tab/Window and makes it the current window.


Also Jimmybob without knowing which OS you're running, you could probably buy yourself a cheapie two button mouse and it should work.

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