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1st fish on sp's


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spent the arvo down at deep water bend again lol, and thought since ive never tried to catch a fish on a lure or soft plastic id give it a try, only managed one little chopper but its a start i guess!! i have no idea if im doing it right or wrong, but i think i really needed a plastic that was a bit more vibrant in colour, dont think this one was very visable!

[img size=150]C:\Documents and Settings\ben\My Documents\My Pictures\fishing\1st fish on sp's.bmp

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Hey guys, I am new to the site so am not really familiar with the 'usual' spots to fish.

I went to the tinnie show on the weekend and managed to score an SP starter pack from Berkley (Yay for me!). I have never fished sp's, but I think I understand the general "jist of it" and am gonna go and have a crack and see how I go.

That being said, where is a good spot to go? I have heard of places like shultz and so on, but where are they?? I have a little 12ft tinnie with a 15hp on it - I just need a bit of a point in the right direction.

Anyone keen?

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Schultz Canal is actually part of Kedron Brook. This map might work http://maps.google.com.au/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=kedron+brook&sll=-25.335448,135.745076&sspn=61.088942,118.828125&ie=UTF8&ll=-27.405909,153.075256&spn=0.01524,0.029011&t=h&z=15&iwloc=addr

Most people usually park next to Nudgee Rd and walk downstream from there (downstream is, from the birds eye view of that map, to the right:)). Also, nearly every report from schultz is landbased.

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