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clean 20ltr drums


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Hi Guys

I constantly go through heaps of these 20ltr drums at work and all they have ever had in them is purified water for lab use. If anyone has some use for these ie water storage, live bait tanks,crab pot floats (may be seen from google earth though) just send me a pm. These can be picked up from slacks creek between 9 to 5. I have two at the moment but go through around 5 to 6 a month 12 months a year.

A donation to afo for them would be great.;) [img size=500]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/drum_AFO.jpg


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obone wrote:

Off topic, but can someone remember who brought those blue 20L screwtop buckets to the 2007 BRC? They are rippers, would love a couple more of those.

Joel ;)

Can't help you with that Joel, but Angus should know - he was the one handing them out. I've still got mine - makes a good livebait bucket.

(PS to shortie...don't think obone's chasing Mal's drums)

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