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out off moreton


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after numerous phone calls,the trip was on for sat 30/08 i met keechie at the ramp at manly,where we waited for bob, the boat provider for the day.after putting the boat in the water expectations were high as it was a beautiful day shapping up.a glassy trip to the south passage bar was had, so through the bar and heading east to our first place of interest.both keechie and i used bait, while bob opted for a plastic to send down.2 mins later,bob's on, as keechie watches on with interest i keep fishin, a mac tuna, not 5 mins later bob's on again, the sol 4000's drag was screamin big time, all to keechies discussed i think. another mac tuna around 5-6 kilo's in the boat, while keech and i put plastics on our rod's, bloody bob's on again, snapper this time, and keechie's really itchin to get his plas in the water, so we go back to the mark, it takes keechie 2-3 mins and he's on, his snapper of 4 kilo is boated and bob gets another 1 too.then it just shut down, nothing, not a thing, so we head further north, everybody's sayin the same thing very, very quiet,so we keep heading north sounding ground as we go, dropping on anything that had bait schools,but nothing, when the keechmista hooked a fish, snapper or pearlie,then he got something again but upsized a bit.this fish had taken keechie's fish mid water, i thought aj, cobe, sampson?.when i tightened up the drag on keechie's rod and bob and i knew it was a good fish, not a shark, otherwise bitten off.so we up'd all the lines so he could have a go at this fish, with clear decks, even more drag was applied as the spool was not slowing at all with about 220 mtrs out, both bob and i didn't want totouch the rod,so he could have bragging rights. but it was very clear, he was struggling,after 5/7 mins, so over to bob and he got up it, not winning the battle more drag was applied,after 5 mins bob's stuffed, he moans here rob you have a go,so i do and even more drag is put on this fish and finally start to get some line back, after 5 mins we finally get to see it. bloody shark, grey nurse, big bastard too.so i don't want to know about it, so keech here ya go, but can not really handle the amount of drag and says, here somebody, anybody, take this, so we try to get photo's at least, get it to the surface and he dives with 50 mtrs of line gone again,i start to crank up the drag seriously now, that i know what it is,don't care if he busts off now. so start cranking this thing, come here were my only thoughts, so even more drag was applied,got it to the surface, keech got a photo,he dived and i stopped him, and on the next lift.a sharp bang crack, the $800 loomis rod is about 5 foot shorterand the shark swims away,and on to the next spot very slowly indeed to recover.and with 1/2 more fish boated it was time to head for home as we all had other commitments.

p.s. sorry for the babbling lol;)

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