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1770 october 08


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ok report time...

sunday as stated by shortie, weather was a bit on the crappy side. caught a good sized stripy (like a moses perch only different colours) and a grassy sweetlip. lost one anchor. :( damo got his first trigger fish.

monday, shortie decided to sit out, so dave, damo and i headed out to some rubble patches about 18-20km out. weather was totally different and very bearable relative to the day before. unfortunately, the major component of our catch was iodine bream. i caught one big hussar and stupidly tried to lift one onto the boat without the landing net... learnt that lesson. damo caught his second and third trigger fish. headed back in and drove to gladstone to drop dave at the airport.

tuesday we were planning on heading right out to the reef proper (about 65km out). we found some good ground on the way and tried a few different spots. i got a couple of nice moses perch and a beautiful venus tuskfish of about 2kg. :woohoo: damo got his 4th trigger fish. had some whales come up within about 50m of the boat which was pretty cool. got to flinders reef and shortie got a nice red throat, i got anotehr couple of tuskys and damo got his 5th trigger fish. also landed my first mack tuna on a slug (after pulling the hooks on two earlier in the day!). i got owned by something huge on 50lb gear :angry: probably a big red as we were catching undersized ones quite regulary in the area. were planning on staying out overnight in the lagoon at flinders reef but plans changed and we drove the 2.5hrs home in the full moon light.

wednesday shortie decided to sit out again so damo and i headed out in the best weather of the week. we hit up a trawler wreck which is only 12km out and i got busted up on 80lb gear. by the shape of the fish i saw i'd reckon it was a big GT, whatever it was it was stronger than me and found the bottom and a bit of structure to rub me off on. fair's fair, fish 1 ben 0. it took a floating pilly from the burly trail. not a lot else happening so headed up to the rocks off bustard head, at 45km/hr the whole way. :woohoo: tried some trolling, no result. bottom fished around middle rock for virtually nothing. plenty of shows on the sounder, not touching the baits! :angry: trolled out to outer rocks and found a big school of mack tuna feeding. trolling gear away, slugs out. damo and i both hooked up on our first casts and it was on! i got mine to the boat first, a healthy fish around 4kg. damo was working alot harder with his, turns out it was a bigger model around 6kg! :woohoo: he got his fish in and we tried again. i landed 3 in total from this school, the next two around 6kg, damo got another one about the same size as his first. the visual takes on the surface were awesome, one fish of mine came out of the water as it hit the slug before peeling about 100m of line in quick time! great fun. we then anchored up on a good show around outer rock, only to find the nursery. when damo pulled up a rainbow runner of about 25cm, i had to drift it out live. not 30sec after sitting the rod in the holder it was off. and it was big. i locked it up on 80lb gear and hit it with everything i had as we were only in 20m of water. i turned the fish, chased it round the boat (thanks to damo for moving stuff out the way :kiss: ) twice and finally had some colour. got the landing net under it and lifted a 1m long GT on board, estimated weight of about 18kg. took a couple of photos and released him to fight again another day. stuffed as i was, when a school of mack tuna came up within casting distance i had to have a go. a fish hit the slug the second it hit the water, i hadn't even started to wind yet. another nice fish of 6kg ish was bought aboard. we headed back to the trawler wreck for the dusk session and for 2hrs virtually evry drop bought up a fish. while most of them were GT's up the 5kg, there were 7 nice sized grunter bream (35cm - 52cm) thrown into the esky, a nice moses perch as well. all in all a great dusk session. headed back in in ideal conditions at about 8:30pm.

i'm sure shortie will fill in the thursday section for your reading pleasure sometime in the near future.

thanks to shortie for loaning his boat on the days he didn't feel keen to head out, and for taking his boat in the first place! pics will follow as soon as i am able. didn't take a whole heap sorry but there are a couple of nice ones.

cheers for reading, i know it is a bit long... :blush:

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Most disappointing trip ive had in 4 years at 1770.

Usually we get heaps of trout, red emperor, red throat, and tuskies.

The weather was crap and very disappointing.

It sounds like a lot of fish but was nothing compared to previous years.

Another boat that was in our group got a cobia that went 1.5 mtrs and approx 40kg.

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