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Water Police Warning.


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Just listening to Nugget and apparently Water Police have been instructed not to issue warnings they have been booking everyone both down the pin and sunshine coast for slightest infringements.

Targets have been inflatable lifejackets out of date, speeding,old epirbs even if you are in smooth waters ( apparently its illegal to have in possession ). no capacity labels on boat.



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fisheries have been out and about as well,went threw my boat friday checking flares v sheets and all saftey gear..shouldnt be a problem to most who have the sence to have there gear up to date and looked after...as for the water police good on em might slip it to some of them water lice that zoom around like they own the river with no concideration to anyone but them selfs..

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waldo wrote:

Yep ALL safety equipment has to be up to date and in good condition. Like to keep your old flares as a backup to your shiney new ones? Not a good idea and you will be fined if caught.

funny you say that waldo,the inspector that went threw my gear said if i had out of date flairs i could take em to the vmr or keep them for spares...who do you listen too?mine were all good any how i wouldnt keep old ones for spares incase i do need em and they dont work when i need em too..

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Some govt. boat pulled me up this morning between Jacobs Well and the marina. Gave me a info pack and had a bit of a chop about not wearing my pfd. It was really choppy and a screaming southerley, so I slowly drifted outta earshot and kept peddling the yak.

Maybe they should just observe the tossers on jetskis making pests of themselves and harrass them, but they're never around on busy weekends.

When all is quiet and and I'm the only one out there they check out my stuff on yak/boat and find some trivial thing to warn me about.:angry:

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Your right Ray, what I was meaning was that they gave me a warning for not wearing my pfd in the yak on smooth water. As long as its got positive floatation and a grab line wearing pfd is optional, so I think to myself where he might like to stick his warning.

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tomca wrote:

Your right Ray, what I was meaning was that they gave me a warning for not wearing my pfd in the yak on smooth water. As long as its got positive floatation and a grab line wearing pfd is optional, so I think to myself where he might like to stick his warning.

What's the official pfd rules for a yak? I thought it was not needed if it wasn't a registered vessel?

I've taken it off Caloundra without one:S Since bought one thoughB)

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A Kayak is not a registerable vessel, you do NOT need a PFD. Not in smooth water, not in partially smooth and not in open offshore waters.

That said, outside of the general safety obligation (WHICH DOES NOT INCLUDE PFDs) we need an EPIRB more than 2nm offshore.

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As for the general safety obligation, you need navigation in partially smooth or open waters. Bailing equipment, anchors, water and manual propulsion (oars etc)

I usually carry a GPS unit - that can be navigation, although this one is only needed in partially smooth and open waters.

I have a paddle for manual propulsion (I'm in a kayak!)

You'd be stupid not to have any water/drinking liquids. (ok sometimes I dont when I"m in a small creek.. but plenty when offshore/in a bay

Bailing equipment: Well I've always got a full bottle of powerade in my hull :laugh: So can always quickly drink that (although its been in there for ages.. is it passed its use by date?? haha) and use that to bail water out.

Anchor.. hmm.. This is probably the only part they can pull me up on. Not having an anchor.

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so when will they give surfers a warning for not wearing a pfd while on the surf boards .lol , or the surf skis , i wear a pfd by choice , but to get a warning for not having one on is BULL POOP,,,Its a personal choice i think !!! I would like to see what code they would put on the fine!!

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wesfish wrote:

so when will they give surfers a warning for not wearing a pfd while on the surf boards .lol , or the surf skis , i wear a pfd by choice , but to get a warning for not having one on is BULL POOP,,,Its a personal choice i think !!! I would like to see what code they would put on the fine!!

Like I said, non registered vessels don't need them. See the martime safety rules that I linked too for proof.

Cops just being over cautious and saying you need stuff when you don't. Best thing is to know what you do and dont need.

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About a year ago i got done at mud island without my flares... My bad i didnt realise it was more then 2nm from the mouth of the river.. but in my defense the conditions were so glassey that i would have not been in a position to use them..

More recently in the BRC i was done with my anchor light off when i was at anchor.. Once again My bad but i was not in the middle of the channel, or in the way of any possible water craft.

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Tried to buy some new flares at Whitworths yesterday and the guy told me they had sold out. "Apparently there is a safety blitz on" he said.....

I always find the water cops and the DPI to be friendly and helpful. They can usually tell you where the fish were yesterday. http://www.australianfishing.com.au/components/com_kunena/template/default_ex/images/english/emoticons/grin.png

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