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Australian Q from a Pom re; Tank Water.


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Hello Chaps and Chapesses!

Outside a lot of residential properties it has a sign saying "Tank water in use". Why is this?

Is it;

A) Showing off how green they are.

B) So people don't shop them for using a hose pipe.

C) To stop vagrants drinking from a tap and getting unwell.

D) A silly Queensland Government law to help sign makers turn a tidy profit.

E) None of the above, you Dumb Pom!

Thanks in advance for any answers, criticism, abuse etc.:kiss:

PS Pool top up from the tap day is Saturday 4-6pm. (No tank at my rental property) Can the water company tell if I top up at another time? Where's my water meter?

If you have a shower every other day can you have an 8 minute shower?

Who got a free 4 minute timer, used it for their BBQ steaks and burnt them cos the timer clogged and stopped....:blush:

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The signs are more for nosey neighbours, to stiop them dobbing in people for using Towns water on the garden

Water meter is in front of house, usually opposite Green Boy ( Electrical Pillar )

Being a rental you wont ever see a water bill, it comes with your rates and is sent to the home owner.

New laws are out ( about time ) to protect the landlord, as a land lord an excess water bill can and will we passed on to the person renting the property.

I would adress the landlord or real Estate about water saving measures for the pool as that is the landlords responsibility

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LOL.... Has poor Kev even got a sensible answer yet the poor bastard!

I laughed so much reading the replies that I forgot what the original question was... but its good to see everyone getting a spray including 'Ipswichites'?

I would go A to D is correct, but now you are really talking out of school now with an 8 monute shower... Who are you tryng to kid there?

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MoparKevUk wrote:

Hello Chaps and Chapesses!

Outside a lot of residential properties it has a sign saying "Tank water in use". Why is this?

Is it;

A) Showing off how green they are.

B) So people don't shop them for using a hose pipe.

C) To stop vagrants drinking from a tap and getting unwell.

D) A silly Queensland Government law to help sign makers turn a tidy profit.

E) None of the above, you Dumb Pom!

Well, I'd say at least A,B,C,&D are right:

People in the city like to think they are 'green' cause they use tank water to water a garden/wash a car.:P

And no one wants to be dobbed into the council (even though i haven't heard of them enforcing the restrictions).:unsure:

And the signs are there to make sure someone knows they are about to drink frog piss in their water...not that it does any harm, - i grew up with it.;)

We don't need signs where i'm from...the tanks are so large you see them from the front gate anyway...and not just one, usually 3 or 4 10000gallon tanks.

We would have a sign saying "boar water in use" :laugh: That stuff puts hairs on your chest:P

My point is, their would be no use for the signs if their were no water restrictions, and their would be no water restrictions if their was better water effiency from the get go! Tanks used to be banned in brisbane!!! Can you believe that!!!


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