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Catch of the week/month----FEEDBACK


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HI ALL , I have been thinking about the new \"catch of the month\" , and was wondering what the thoughts of AFO members were on running a simalier Thread,

As most of us are only fishing the river/bay or dams the chance of any of us catching BILLFISH or WAHOO are pretty remote,hence we are not in the running.

A monthly species , maybe a Bass one month & a bream for another and so on,just to give our land based fisher people some thing to post(or brag) for all to see.

Why not run a seperate post where a AFO member can post a photo (only one) of his/her catch.NOT in the fishing reports.

I am not sure of how you could run such a thread but I am certain the admin or a member would know.

The Admin of the site are doing a terific job to make it grow, (nearly 850 members). TOP STUFF.

Anyway a penny for yor thoughts ,I have had my say and would like to hear your comments.

P.S If I have offended anyone by starting this thread I am sorry. It is not ment to upset anyone.

just want to know your thoughts.


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There was a fish of the week run along those sorts of lines, but it was hard to enter, and people did not understand it very well. I think it is going to be revamped and started up again, but I think you idea of just a \"brag species of the month\" for the land based fisho's has good merit.

Wait and see what the response is from the admin team, but it would not be that hard to run a thread to have people vote on a few months worth of land based targets, then run a thread on it.

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good idea brag of the week but isnt that what fishing reports are anyway? I at first was apprehensive toward the species of fish of the month considering that most of us are landbased or not suitably equipped to go offshore

but with an influx of new members that have deep sea type nicknames it has helped membership even if the comp hasnt taken of ground yet

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Billfish are the pinnacle of the sport imo, but for each fish there is a lot of variables, I dont really like the idea of competing in my 14 ft tinnie against 40 foot rivs, I can see a land based guy paying not the slightest interest! having a successful release with the fish swimming off and a good pic is the challenge we work with, some are really crazy dangerous fish, had em jump into the boat spear being cm's from a real disaster, gamefishing at its best, you just dont get that sorta adrenalin with a bass, though I fish for bass once or twice a week always after that 60cm fish that elludes me.

in any fishing you do after a while there becomes a time where familiarity can make it rather mundane. I think the best challenge is a range of fish over a month taking adv of all there is to offer.

Post edited by: mackmauler, at: 2007/02/21 16:54

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