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Fishing Brisbane River Sunday


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The pontoon belonging to school is locked almost 24/7 (apart from when we r rowing)

The place i plan to fish is like a small concrete jetty with some stairs either end.

The last guy who tried fishing there while we were rowing got blasted like you wouldnt believe for \"atracing sharks\" like they werent already there.

It is just down from the west end markets

Post edited by: Jords, at: 2007/02/23 19:24

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Its a good place to fish for bullies. I normally go there myself but havent recently. someone told me that the crabs are starting to get comfortable there so you might hook up some if your only using dead bait. where as live bait you have more of a chance of a bullie and also away from the crabs. You can also go north abit, not far from the rowing club. where Pauls Milk is. around that area, my mate told me his uncles been catching really decent size breams. so if theres no luck near the club then go up to the factory area and have a go.

If your really bored and still need to catch a bullie then head to kangaroo point and park where you catch the ferrie. take a little walk and theres a seating area that goes out the river abit. very nice spot to fish since theres a seating area and also a concrete area thats been railed. easier to cast your rod. Ive been catching afew bullies there for quite afew years straight. Have a go. you mite like it.

Enjoy your fishing and have fun. Even when you dont catch anyfin, enjoy the moment of peace and quite.

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